Frequently Asked Questions


SEEK (Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge) is a special program of The City University, established by the New York State Legislature, to help students, who meet specific income and academic guidelines, to obtain a college education.

What services does SEEK provide?

SEEK offers students a variety of academic and student support services, which include financial assistance, counseling, tutoring, special courses and workshops. In addition, the SEEK Program has a study hall and high-tech computer lab for the exclusive use of SEEK students.

How do students become eligible for SEEK?

Application to the program is made through UAPC (University Application Processing Center) at the time students apply to the University. Students are eligible if they are first-time applicants meeting SEEK eligibility guidelines or if they are transferring from SEEK, CD, EOP or HEOP programs at other colleges.

How do I know that I am a SEEK student?

Potential SEEK students are informed of conditional acceptance into the program. Students are allocated to the program by The City University. However, whether you actually become a certified SEEK student at City Tech depends on the following: 1) completion of the necessary financial assistance application with the required documentation 2) meeting the program’s income criteria 3) participation in a summer academic program if any remediation is needed.

What is the registration process?

First semester students must see an advisor in the New Student Center (N-104). All other students must see an advisor in their departmental major.

What is AR?

AR (Advisement Registration) is available for eligible students.

Who is eligible for AR?

Students in good standing who are certified in two or more remedial/developmental areas.

I am on Probation; can I register during AR?

No, but you will be able to register after the semester’s grades are posted if you have removed yourself from probation.

What is my pin #?

Continuing students are given a personal identification number assigned to you by the Registrar’s Office. You use the number to gain access to ACTOR, the automated telephone registration system. You also use it for E-sims, the college’s on-line registration system. Instructions on the use of ACTOR and E-sims are included in your schedule of classes.

What do I do if I have problems with registration?

First semester students go to the New Student Center (N-104). All other SEEK students should see their SEEK counselor.

What is the difference between an academic advisor and counselor?

The academic advisor discusses your degree requirements with you and recommends the courses you must take to obtain your degree in a timely manner.

Your SEEK counselor helps you develop a comprehensive educational and career plan that meets your specific needs. Your counselor also provides individual and group counseling on personal issues as needed.

Why must I see my assigned counselor?

SEEK Program guidelines state that all SEEK students must see their assigned counselors regularly. New SEEK students should see their assigned counselors even more frequently during the first semester. Successful SEEK students consult regularly with their counselors on a variety of issues, concerns and problems.

How are counselors assigned?

Students are assigned counselors according to their departmental major.

Must I make an appointment to see my counselor?

We recommend that you make an appointment to see your counselor; an appointment insures that the counselor will see you on a specific date and at a specific time. Without an appointment there is no guarantee the counselor will be available to see you.

What if I have an emergency?

If you have an emergency or crisis, come to the SEEK office immediately. If your assigned counselor is not available, another counselor will see you.

What if I have an emergency problem and I can’t come to school?

Call your counselor immediately at 718.260.5680. If your counselor is not available, ask to speak to another counselor or the SEEK director.

Do I have to wait before I see my assigned counselor?

Generally, when you have an appointment, you will be seen promptly. If your counselor is seeing a student with an emergency, you may have to wait or you may reschedule your appointment.

What if I don’t like my counselor?

We recognize that there are different ways of doing things and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Discuss the situation with the counselor. If you can’t resolve your differences and/or feelings about the counselor, the counselor will attempt to have you reassigned. If necessary, you may discuss the situation with the SEEK director.

Why must I sign in whenever I visit the SEEK office?

The Program must track the number of students using its services. Also, the daily logs assist us in managing the volume of activity in the office.

Can you look up my classes?

Yes, we can provide you with a copy of your schedule.

How do I find all the resources the College provides?

The Student Handbook lists the provided services.

What is “tutoring” at SEEK?

Tutoring provides academic assistance in various college courses. Tutors are generally advanced students in the subject and have been trained in tutoring techniques.

What happens in a tutoring session?

Tutoring is not a lecture, and the tutor is not an “answer man” or an editor of your papers. S/he is like a friendly coach who, through a process of explaining, questioning and checking for understanding, will help you become an independent learner. Our tutors are committed to you, but the final responsibility for your success is yours.

Do only weak students need tutoring?

No. We help students at all levels— those who are struggling to pass as well as those who are doing well in a course but want to earn top grades.

How do I get tutoring?

Just ask for it. The SEEK receptionist will refer you to tutoring personnel. Counselors can also sign you up.

In what courses is tutoring offered?

Currently, we offer assistance in writing, math, the sciences, ESL, reading, writing, psychology, philosophy, speech, legal and paralegal studies.

How many hours of tutoring per week can I get?

The usual limit is two hours a week per subject; exceptions are made depending upon student demand and tutor availability.

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