Mission Statement

Beauty and enhancements are something most sought after by fashion enthusiasts. Nail enhancements are no different, providing an artistic alternative for one’s personal style; guaranteeing that “beautified” feeling. As desired as a custom nail service can be, many consumers experience damaging side effects to the state of their natural nails, from one’s nail service, many times due to lack of industry knowledge.

Shana’s mission is to bring the highest quality, luxury beauty and education services to the modern nail enhancement industry. Delivering excellent, tailored customer service, Shana aims to apply her scientific knowledge to her nail enhancement services & classes to ensure a natural-minded, beautiful technique is diffused to the fingertips of her clients as well as the minds of her students. Not only do Shana’s nail enhancement services look appealing, but they will durate throughout the month of the client’s wear without issue; this is what Shana believes exemplary servicing in the nail/beauty industry should look like, executed with expertise, consistently delivering results.

Shana’s services will bring peace of mind to the consumer who desires beautiful and customizable enhancements, but still caters to the health of their natural nails. As a brand, Shape By Shana’s mission is to provide all clientele with a memorable service which makes one feel truly heard in their beauty and health needs. Shana aims to  provide the nail industry with the scientific knowledge required in order to justify servicing practices, educate her consumers and overall raise the standard in the beauty industry.