A couple of design goals and reasons for taking the Graphic Design Principles class this semester come to mind. I would like to explore my creativity and see what I’m capable of designing/ creating. I would like to meet and work with other students and see what ideas they have to offer, team up and see what we can come up with on diff. projects.

I enjoy modern and contemporary art. Frida Kahlo and her self-portraits among other work. The design and architecture of…anything. Everything around me inspires. From walking around the city to finding new music online, social media/blogs, art/ artists that I’ve known about since middle school to joking around with friends and family, makeup artists. The world, everything in it is beautiful and inspires me daily.

I think I’m still figuring out  how to get my ideas and everything that goes on in my head onto paper. I’m still working on being able to express myself. So far, my preferred method of a “design process” is to jot down notes, words, symbols with pencil on my sketch book and take it from there. I am open to any type of project and collaborating with anyone. I think it’s fun to work with people who come from other cultures or have different taste and also getting out of your comfort zone from time to time.