Tag Archives: movies

Movie Assignment: Reading (with Highlighters)

This is your Reading Assignment. It goes in your Journal. It is not given a ‘letter grade,’ but is checked. This will be checked on Feb. 23rd.

Find three different reviews on a single movie. Your choice! Pick one you don’t mind reading a lot about. (Try sources like The New York Times, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, The Daily News…)

Print out or buy these reviews.

Highlight them with your pens as we described in class. The breakdown is as follows for types of language:

Yellow: Description

Pink: Opinion

Blue: Analysis

Orange or Green: Context or Background

Do your best. Even when it is hard to discern which is which, just try. Come in ready to compare and contrast what you’ve read and learned from these different reviewers approaches (i.e., what kind of agenda they may have, what kind of agenda the newspaper or magazine may have…).
