Practice for your Midterms

We will do a sample mid-term on March 10th. Come to class prepared to write, in class, for the majority of, if not all of, the session.  The actual, real Mid-Term Exam will be on March 17.

Our Exam will be a straight, single essay, written in class.

We will go over tips and procedures on the 10th, and will discuss them further in the following week.

Inner and Outer Dialogues

Check the ASSIGNMENTS menu, above, for your new assignments in dialogue/conversation. If you missed class on March 1st, you will definitely need to look!


DEEP THOUGHTS OF THE DAY: Here are a couple of ways of regarding this assignment: See your notebook, or any blank page, really, as “Sticky” Paper — imagine it to be a piece of masking tape that someone left facing sticky side up. Information just gets stuck there.

Also, what if, instead of “writing” an essay, you looked at The Concept of Writing, overall, not so much as generating something new, but as Note-Taking — jotting down information around you; jotting down what you think.

Hmmm. Does that take the pressure off?


Updates, Feb 25 to Feb 29, 2016

CUNY Should paper 1101

Thank you for handing in your papers — the Movie Review Assignment — on time (those of you who did!). And Thank You All for the feedback you gave me in class on my pedagogical approach to this last assignment (Movie Review Language). It had two components — critical reading and critical writing.Whether or not you are aware of it, you are all progressing nicely.

I will be grading your papers and handing them back to you; stay tuned for your next assignment, coming shortly. The next assignment will be based on how you approached your movie reviews. See above “Policies” for my grading rubric. : )

More feedback, please: Did you find the Alejandro Jodorowsky material to be too “outre”? : )

I didn’t have time to ask you in class.


You can now have your Professor as a Tutor!

I’m now an official Tutor in AG 31 — a tutoring room devoted to English that is part of the Atrium Learning Center, whose main branch in located in AG 18.

If you would like me to give you more in-depth, specific help with your papers…I’m there. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis. My hours are:

Wednesdays from 10AM  to noon

Mondays from noon to 3:30PM, and from 4PM to 7PM.


Your assignments thus far (as of Feb 25) are:

Highlight (you can do large blocks) the new handout from the “Weird Movies” website; use the same color coding you used to diagram the other reviews. This exercise should be easiest of all!


Show the Professor your Journal on Feb 25. Again. Hopefully, if you didn’t have it in a proper format (namely, one that is easy to read, at a glance), you will have it better organized now. Note: you should not have to re-copy your work. I am not trying to add work on top of work; I simply want to see all your un-graded assignments in one place. This is a huge part of your Class Participation Grade. Thank you for having them on time — I have noted those who did.

Hand in your personal Movie Review. Typed. See previous post for parameters.

That. Is. All.

Movie Assignment: Reading (with Highlighters)

This is your Reading Assignment. It goes in your Journal. It is not given a ‘letter grade,’ but is checked. This will be checked on Feb. 23rd.

Find three different reviews on a single movie. Your choice! Pick one you don’t mind reading a lot about. (Try sources like The New York Times, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, The Daily News…)

Print out or buy these reviews.

Highlight them with your pens as we described in class. The breakdown is as follows for types of language:

Yellow: Description

Pink: Opinion

Blue: Analysis

Orange or Green: Context or Background

Do your best. Even when it is hard to discern which is which, just try. Come in ready to compare and contrast what you’ve read and learned from these different reviewers approaches (i.e., what kind of agenda they may have, what kind of agenda the newspaper or magazine may have…).
