Your assignments thus far (as of Feb 25) are:

Highlight (you can do large blocks) the new handout from the “Weird Movies” website; use the same color coding you used to diagram the other reviews. This exercise should be easiest of all!


Show the Professor your Journal on Feb 25. Again. Hopefully, if you didn’t have it in a proper format (namely, one that is easy to read, at a glance), you will have it better organized now. Note: you should not have to re-copy your work. I am not trying to add work on top of work; I simply want to see all your un-graded assignments in one place. This is a huge part of your Class Participation Grade. Thank you for having them on time — I have noted those who did.

Hand in your personal Movie Review. Typed. See previous post for parameters.

That. Is. All.

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