Feb 23 is Journal Day

Your first Journal Check will be Feb. 23.

You are not given a letter grade on journal entries and exercises. Your Journal does, however, constitute your Class Participation grade (20% of your overall semester grade). I will give you a ‘check’ system, noting completion is satisfactory.

What is in your Journal?

Any and all of the in-class writings, the Do Now early class exercises, the homework. If you don’t come to class on time to do the Do Now writing, you should be prepared to show extra effort here. I will collect the journals, and then give them back to you.

I suggested, at the start of the semester, that you have not only a spiral notebook or two, but that you have a place to put these pages together with any handouts (namely, a folder dedicated to English 1101) so that I don’t have to hunt. I use a 3-ring binder myself. Once I’m done writing in my spiral notebook, I put those pages into the binder; my binder also has a pocket folder.

Right now, you have had no handouts/photocopies…however, you should plan for a system like mine, above.

C U on the 23rd!


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