There are two texts for this class. Our main textbook for this class is:
Ten Steps to Advancing College Reading Skills (Sixth Edition) by John Langan
(note: the cover may look different than this, above–it may be green.)
And the workbook for this class is:
Advancing Vocabulary Skills (Fourth Edition) by Sherrie L. Nist
Supplies you will need for class include:
Pens/Pencil — have more than one color of pen on hand, in case you need to write comments or edits in your coursework.
One Main Notebook. (The notebook should be dedicated to this class. Spiral is fine.) This notebook will be checked periodically as part of Class Participation. Make sure your name is on it!
Additional Notebook. This notebook is more for yourself. (You may wish to write in a smaller, less conspicuous notebook when in transit or in public.)
Highlighting Pens