Hi Class. I have decided that in order for us all (myself included here) to get on track we need to connect in a real class time, so I am setting up a Zoom Meeting for Monday, April 27 at 1:00PM. I am making attendance mandatory to be sure that we all are on the same page.  Bring your coffee/tea/lunch and be prepared to write and share. Meeting Agenda and Link to Join below:

AGENDA for CLASS APR 27, 1:00PM-1:40PM on Zoom

Arrival. MUSIC; say “good afternoon” / announce your presence in ChatAttendance Taken.

 Real-time writing Excercise(s). Be prepared to write in limited time frame (just like in class) to a prompt given by the Prof. (approximately 5-10 minutes)

Moment of Silence for those we have lost or those close to us whom we wish to honor.

Circle-Time reading and sharing what we wrote. (Students read)

Discussion. Brief Presentations by Professor of next steps to satisfy requirements for UNIT 3

Open Forum 

1:40PM  Goodbyes and planning of next meetup*

*Zoom only allows us to meet for 40 minutes and may cut us off. Apologies in advance if this happens.


S Schmerler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: S Schmerler’s Zoom Meeting 1101
Time: Apr 27, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 407 5048
Password: lunch