ENG1101 CD308 Fall 2018

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Life is change

my life changed  when i start living in United States because it was different where i was living first everything was different I had hard time settleling here I had restart everything my relatives and parents helped me

Life is change

Life is change . Every day there is new day in life . My life change when I came in America. Every thing was different . I face different challenges in the beginning. Different cultures . where I have adjust myself. But by the time I mange myself with all these changes. Which change my life

Life Is Change

When i was young technology wasn’t big as it is now. People barely walked around with cell phones and if they did it would be a flip phone with bad reception. Also cars didn’t have a gps installed inside it to help people get to places they didn’t know how to get to. Before people didn’t really have flat screen TVs and they had the TV with the box on the back but nowadays most people have flat screen smart TVs. Technology has been developing every year making it easier for people to use and get around with.

Life is changed

Every day is a different day. When time flies, life is changing ever day. Even if life always punches me,  I still smile. Like the MTA subway service is changing every single day.  The changes make me delayed the schedule I have planned, yet I need it deeply. Between times, I think the barrier I face is unfair. Afterward, I grew up and adjust the mindset that the difficulties in the life are acceptable as challenges. While the time changes, my  behave and mindset have changed.

My day is normal so far, because…

My commute this morning was the same as any other day. I woke up late because I hit snooze one too many times followed by me frantically running around my house to get ready so I don’t miss my first train. This morning I happened to miss it by just 30 seconds so my mother kindly drove me to the ferry. I’m grateful for that, otherwise I would’ve been late.

My day today is unusual because

There was a lot of traffic on the grand central parkway. I had to get to the train station in kew gardens but the cars were barely moving. The traffic wasn’t bad at all last week. My dad tried to get out a couple of exits before to go a different way. There was still traffic there and I thought I was going to be running late. Thankfully, I was on time.

Grateful for

Today I am grateful for waking up early and having enough time to get breakfast before going to school. I am also grateful today is Tuesday and that means I have my emt course after school. On tuesdays it’s hands on practice so today we get to practice with splints and bandages!

Is Not Monday But It Feels Like

Today is the fisrt day I’m late to a class. My weekend was very busy that I did not have time to do any assignments. I came to class really tired and sleepy. But the unusual thing about today is that before coming to school I went to the pharmacy. In the pharmacy I thought that escalators where not working so I climbed the stairs. When I got to the top I realize that the escalators were working. I felt so stupid that even the cashier notice that I need some extra caffeine.

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