Big Ideas Welcome Here

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Individual Meetups Tomorrow

Hi. Please have your papers with you for our brief sessions tomorrow — that is, if you need any clarification of my markings, et al. It’s best for us to see them in black and white (or green, or red). That said, we can talk about whatever topics you wish. Time is limited, however.

Look forward to seeing you in class.

(detail of a New Yorker magazine cover, above)

Aravis and Justyna — some examples of formatting



F Train. 8:01AM.

Damn, Iā€™m going to be late.

First the bus missed my stop because of construction; I deserve better. We are an industrialized nation, and New York brings in millions of dollars, but we still have a poorly run MTA. Donā€™t get me started on this L Train. The subway system is a little too dilapidated to blame Hurricane Sandy, but hey, thatā€™s Capitalism. And now this F train is pretty slow. I know next semester and later for classes. But at least Iā€™m trying to stay with school.

This train is quiet, except for the movement of the train.

You can hear the wheels and bumping. Itā€™s literally a chugga chugga noise.

Finally, Delancey after 10 minutes. Shouldnā€™t be too much longer.


ā€œThem Changesā€, Thundercat. I really love this song. A-1 artistry. To make funk and ā€¦

Finally, Iā€™m almost there.



F to R. 7:10PM.

ā€œI was a very rebellious 12-year-old.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s always so much more experienced.ā€

ā€œHe calls me up andā€¦ā€

Badum, badum, badum [sound of the train]

ā€œAnd then they were just all there.ā€

ā€œSee you next week.ā€

Iā€™m not going to sitā€”only you. I donā€™t mind.

Badum, badum [more train sounds]

[faint sounds of music, tinny, leaking out of someoneā€™s headphones]


ā€œThatā€™s her reactionā€¦ā€

Two ladies, sitting next to each other. One says to the other, ā€œIs it one eye, or both?ā€

The other lady responds, but I canā€™t hear.




Is Life change ???

We all hear life is change, but is it? What is change? Why when humans face hardship they try describe it as a change. Why they change their life style, make it suitable with changes they face. After be upset with result which they get. Many and many, dream and wish, traveling the planet, seeing different places, experiencing different cultures and immigrating. Especially immigrating and building better life in new place, getting better educated.

Life is always changing.

Ever since I was little, I remember changing and adapting. New residence, new family, new friends.I always felt as if I can never be at ease. Since there was always change Ā and I will again have to adapt. That’s why I hate change. I’ve accepted it but I still hate it. Yes,Change is needed, it helps us develop and gain new understanding. Whether its a happy or sad change. We can’t resist it. Life willĀ advance with change.

Life is change

Life is a cycle of changes in a individuals life that accumulate into what kind of individual they are. A person learns from pain and grows from the experience, becoming wiser with time. Change brings people to develop a new way of thinking, allowing them to approach task differently and think of new solutions. Change in life can be both good and bad, such as when you win the lottery or go through a bad breakup.

Life is Change

The thing in life that is ensured is change. Change is experienced in many lives in many ways. It can be as little as changing the style that is agreeable with/ changing the place I usually eat. Big changes in life like graduating after 4 years of the same habitat and entering a new place is a separate narrative.

Life is change

life is change. What is change? And why is there change in life? Well life is always changing, and that canā€™t be paused. Advancing in life is futile unless there is change, humanity canā€™t mature unless there has been a change. Life is always changin being a result regarding adapting changes. There are many different ways life can adapt change.

Life is Change

Life is a very strange thing. I say itā€™s strange because it endures multiple adjustments all the time and adjustments require adapting. As individuals, adapting is necessary because it helps us advance. There are these ā€œrulesā€ we use as guild lines and they can simply change in an instant. Imagine being in an English class, given an assignment where a letter in the alphabet has been restricted and it just canā€™t be used. Strange right? Change is limiting but itā€™s manageable.Ā 

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