Big Ideas Welcome Here

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Great class!!!

Hello everyone,

It was fun being in the same class with you all. The class was fun and interesting for what special thanks to our professor Sarah Schmerler.

Everyone have a happy holidays and enjoy the winter break.

See you all around.

Reminders today

It is the last office hour of the year today.  No class Thursday. See you Tuesday for exam prep.

Also, the school is offering free food (hot!) during a study session for freshmen tomorrow, Dec 13,  in Namm 700 at 1:00 pm.

Hi all, I am going Uzbek style (which comes from Uzbekistan and where I am from) for our party and bringing this pastries called samsa 

it is basically made out of  dough and mix of lamb and beef meat. So those who don’t eat pork please enjoy and sorry to my vegan classmates.

Uzbek samsa

That’s how cooked


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