A teacher who in the past was really mean to me was really nice to me. She didn’t have a key to the office this morning and she begged me to let her in. I did. She thanked me profusely. “My pleasure,” I said.

But that’s not all.

Last night, I felt pretty ill. I woke up in a sweat. My son had bought some hummus at the deli — only he didn’t tell me that it wasn’t too fresh. He just left it out on the table, and I saw and went, “Hmm. Nice of my kid to buy some food for once!,” and promptly ate it.

I thought it tasted a little…off. I was hungry, though.

Later, he just kind of mentioned — “Mom, I don’t think that stuff I bought at the deli was good.” And then, I started to obsess about it.

I’m probably fine.

Do you think?