REVISED Syllabus Law 1101

Syllabus – Law 1101 – Introduction to Paralegal Studies – Fall, 2017


New York City College of Technology

Department: Law and Paralegal Studies

Class Meets Fridays, 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. except as noted below.


Instructor: W. Zehava Schechter, Esq.


Office Hour: Mondays 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. or by appointment



This course is an overview of the legal system and the role of the Paralegal within that system. It includes the study of sources of the law; legal terminology; the operation of the courts system at the state and federal levels; respective roles of attorney, client and paralegal; legal ethics and the Code of Professional Responsibility; interviewing techniques for the paralegal and an overview of the specialized areas of law.  3 credits – 3 class hours

PREREQUISITES                                         CUNY Certification in Reading and Writing

TEXTS                                                            WEST’S PARALEGAL TODAY: THE ESSENTIALS 6TH ED. By Miller and Meinzinger





  1. Each student will be required to visit a court during the course of the semester and provide an oral and written report of the visit.
  2. Each student must write a book analysis (3-5 pages) on a law-themed book.
  3. Late homework and papers will NOT be accepted. If you are unable to attend class on the date a homework or other assignment is due, you MUST email to me before class begins that day.



The course grade will be determined pursuant to the set forth below.  Please note that there will be no “extra credit” given for this course.


Quizzes                                                                             10 % (3 quizzes each worth 5%; lowest grade will be dropped.)

Court Observation/Oral Presentation                                15 % (written and oral each ½ of the



Midterm Exam                                                                 15 %

Uniform Final Exam                                                         35 %

Homework & Other Assignments                                    10%

Book Analysis                                                                  15%

This course requires the student to pass with a grade of 70 or better a departmental uniform final exam.  If the minimum grade is not achieved then the student also fails the course and cannot advance in the Law & Paralegal Studies program.  Departmental policy requires students to repeat the course.


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please be advised this course adheres to the College’s policy on academic integrity set forth below:

New York City College of Technology Policy on Academic Integrity

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog.


  1. Be able to explain the paralegal profession and list the tasks performed by paralegals as well as the skills needed to perform paralegal work.
  1. Distinguish paralegals from attorneys and legal secretaries and understand the career paths of each profession.
  2. Be familiar with the national paralegal organizations NALA and NFPA and their functions.
  3. Distinguish between licensing and certification of paralegals and be familiar with the CP examination.
  1. Understand employment opportunities for paralegals.
  2. Be able to conduct an initial interview with clients.
  1. Understand and respect the New York Lawyer’s Code of Professional Responsibility including the ethical rules concerning advertising. Solicitation, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, competence, zealous representation, and the appearance of professional impropriety.
  1. Understand the parameters of the unauthorized practice of law and how to avoid problems in this area.
  2. Be able to identify typical ethical problems that arise in the legal profession and know what to do should such problems arise.
  3. Know the structure of the Federal court system including US District Courts, US Courts of Appeal and the US Supreme Court.
  1. Know the structure and subject matter jurisdiction of each of the New York courts including Supreme, Family, Surrogate’s, County, District. NYC Civil, NYC Criminal, City, Town. Village, Court of Claims, Appellate Term. Appellate Division and Court of Appeals.
  1. Understand the importance of legal research and the types of authorities available in a law library including primary, secondary, mandatory and persuasive authority.
  2. Distinguish between case law, statutes, administrative rules and regulations, administrative decisions, constitutions, charters, ordinances, court rules, executive orders and treaties.
  3. Be able to distinguish between majority, concurring and dissenting opinions.
  1. Understand how appellate courts may reverse, affirm. remand and vacate the decisions of lower courts.



  1. Draft resume and cover letter utilizing New York Law Journal or other classified advertisements.*
  2. Each student will be required to read a novel, play or work of non-fiction related to the practice of law and produce a critical analysis.
  3. Be able to locate cases utilizing law reporters (hardcopy).
  4. Be able to analyze cases by utilizing IRAC methodology.
  5. Comprehend ethical rules and apply them utilizing in-class scenarios.
  6. Observe court proceeding and submit a written report and in-class oral presentation.*
  7. Draft a legal letter utilizing a fact pattern provided by the instructor.*
  8. Master in-class assessments of substantive and procedural subject matter.

* Demonstrates paralegal competencies




Schedule – Subject to Change

Date Chapter(s) Homework Evaluations In-class activities
8/25/2017 Skill Prep and 1 None. Chapter 1.
9/1/2017 1 Read Textbook Chapters: Skill Prep, 1.


Personal Summary.


Oral presentation of Personal Summary. Meeting with Librarian and Overview of Paralegal and Legal resources available (books, online).

Chapter 1.

General Review of resumes and cover letters.



9:00-11:00 a.m.

2 Read Textbook Chapter 2.

Handouts on Attorney-Paralegal issues.


Draft Resume and Cover Letter.

Chapter 2.

Prepare a Retainer Agreement and Timesheet.

Ethics Timesheet Fact Pattern.

*(NO CLASS 9/15/2017)



(Regular class time)

3 Read Textbook Chapter 3.


Final Resume and Cover Letter.


Read an Article in Facts and Findings in the library and draft a 1-page summary.

Chapter 3.


Ohio State Bar Assn v. Cohen, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.


Review NFPA Model Disciplinary Rules.

Review NALA’s Code of Ethics, Canons 1-10.





9:00-11:30 a.m.

4 Read Textbook Chapter 4.


Columbus Bar Assn v. Thomas, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.


Chapter 4.


Ethics Fact Pattern.







Regular Class Time

5 Read Textbook Chapter 5.


Superior Court of CT case – Motion for Contempt, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.

Chapter 5.


Engagement (Retainer) Letter and Termination Letter prepared in class.




9:00-11:30 a.m.

6 Read Textbook Chapter 6.


SPP v. Horn, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.

Chapter 6.

Ethics Fact Pattern.



Regular Class Time

7 Read Textbook Chapter 7.


Read an Article in National Paralegal Reporter in the library and draft a 1-page summary.



Chapter 7.



11/3/2017 8 Read Textbook Chapter 8.


Lamb v. Zenith, et al., Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.

Chapter 8.


11/10/2017 9 Read Textbook Chapter 9.


Harrell v. Florida, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.

Chapter 9.


Ethics Fact Pattern.

11/17/2017 10 Read Textbook Chapter 10.


Read an Article in Paralegal Today in the library and draft a 1-page summary.

Written and Oral Reports re: Courtroom visit Chapter 10.



(N.B. Tuesday)

11 Read Textbook Chapter 10.


Read an Article in 1 of the 3 Paralegal publications listed above in the library and draft a 1-page summary.

Continued Oral Reports re: Courtroom visit Chapter 11.


12/1/2017 12 Read Textbook Chapter 12.


Office of Lawyer Regulation v. Schuster, Case Summary: Facts, Question, Holding.

Chapter 12.


Ethics Fact Pattern.

12/8/2017 Read an Article in 1 of the 3 Paralegal publications listed above in the library and draft a 1-page summary. Career Opportunities.


Ethics Fact Pattern.


Oral Reports and Review for Final Exam.

12/15/2017 Department Uniform Final Exam