BUS 2341 Financial Forecasting

Understanding financial projections and forecasting - Article


This course provides an in-depth analysis of the principles and techniques needed for financial forecasting, advanced financial management, modeling techniques, and their application to decision-making in a firm. The emphasis will be on the forecasting and modeling needs faced by business professionals. Topics include capital budgeting principles and applications, modeling using MS-Excel including built-in “add-ins,” multinational finance, and risk management. Additionally, students will learn to model various investments, portfolio theories, and instruments for hedging, such as derivatives, options, etc. Issues faced by business professionals in the fashion, technology, financial services, and professional services fields will be addressed specifically. Individual lab assignments will require MS-Excel or other spreadsheet programs to create models.


Syllabus BUS_2341_OL60 and OL61 Fall 2020 (2)


All mathematical computations were completed on Accepi.