Author Archives: Professor Sean Scanlan

Asimov and Scibona

Hi Students, In case you need a copy of “Intelligence” or “Where I Learned to Read”: Scibona-onepage-NYorker Intelligence-Isaac-Asimov-image

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Thesis and Topic Sentence Help

Here is the example for Essay 4 that I went over: Thesis and Topic Sentences

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Student Example of Essay 4

Hi Class, I’ve posted the student example for Essay 4–part 1 and 2. Go to “Readings” on the menu bar. Best, Sean

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Purdue OWL is up

Hi Class, The OWL is linked–under Helpful Links. Cheers, Sean

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Essay 4 Details Are Now Up

Hi Class, Sorry I’m a bit tardy in posting the Essay 4 assignment details. Go to the “Assignments” tab and you will find a link. Please print out the details (2 pages) and bring them to class. Best, Sean

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For Wednesday, April 10

Remember to read Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” and write sentences for these 13 words: -acumen -bellicose -circumlocution -deletorious -evanescent -facetious -gauche -homogenous -impeach -kinetic -lexicon -metamorphosis -notarize   Cheers, Sean

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Updates for Monday, April 8

Hi Class, Students often ask me: “Prof. Scanlan, since I am going to be an engineer (or nurse or programmer or chef), why do I need to read and write about literature? It has nothing to do with me or … Continue reading

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New Readings for Wednesday

Hi Class, For Wednesday, go to the “Readings” tab and print out the Danielle Steele and Helen Keller readings. Read them over carefully and bring them to class. Also, don’t forget to submit your work to the Literary Arts Festival! … Continue reading

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Comma Handout

As promised, here is a handout on commas: Comma_Confidence_Comp2_spg2013

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Homework for March 4

Hi Class, Please read: 1. Bidpai’s “The Camel and His Friends” 2. Aesop’s “A Lion and Other Animals Go Hunting” 3. Mark Twain’s “The Lowest Animal” Then, in your notebook, write down what you think the moral of the story … Continue reading

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