UPDATED September 2, 2014
(Scroll Down to see the first documents)
Fix These Funny Sentences:
Radical Revision and Strong Sentences:
Parallel Structure Handout:
The Summary:
Is/Was and Skydiving:
Skydiving is simple, safe, and life-changing, and it is hard to beat for sheer excitement. What follows is a short list of types of jumps that are common for first-time jumpers to consider. The first one is a tandem jump, which is good for choosing, as jumpers are to be harnessed to certified instructors. The second one is called the accelerated free fall, or AFF. And here, the jumper is guided by instructors, but the jumper is able to have the use of their own parachute. Thirdly is the static-line jump, where a line attached to the plane is the connection point for the student.
Paragraph Structure:
Comma Confidence
What Makes Good Writing?–Sentence Lesson
Five Types of Conclusions:
Susan Sontag’s “On Photography”:
Thesis Statement Handout:
Helen Keller’s “The Most Important Day”
Reading #5: Wallis and Steptoe: “How to Bring Our Schools…”
Reading #4: Howard Gardner “Five Minds for the Future”
Reading #3: Steve Brody: “How I Got Smart” (PDF)
Reading #2: Salvatore Scibona
Reading #1: Isaac Asimov
Standard Journal Format: