ENG 1101, fall 2017

Professor Sean Scanlan (NYCCT) 

Please bring this schedule to each class as assignments and due dates may change.


Week 1: Introduction and Education

Aug 28, m      Course introduction, course policy, syllabus, and texts; LAB: Introductions and experiences; Homework for Wed: Journal 1 questionnaire; Read Alexie + take notes

Aug 30, w      Due: Journal 1; Orientation—OpenLab; freewriting; HW for Sept 6: Read/print Scibona, and Brody; then write Journal 2: 250 words (typed) on why education is important to you—use Standard Format


Week 2: Education and Intellectual Homes

Sept 4, m       Labor Day: No Class

Sept 6, w        Due: Journal 2. Freewrite; Essay 1 explained. Discuss readings; HW for Mon: read Gardner and Wallis/Steptoe essays in Dwell and write Journal 3: 250 words (typed) on favorite article so far


Week 3: Home

Sept 11, m      Due: Journal 3. Discuss readings and intellectual home. Read Santiago and Rahmani for Wed.

Sept 13, w      Freewrite. Discuss elements and essay format. HW for Mon: Read essays by Clinton and Powell; prep for Quiz 1 over readings


Week 4: The Photo Essay

Sept 18, m      Due: Quiz 1–in class, over readings. Freewrite. Discuss revision and editing (quotations). HW: Draft of Essay 1 due Sept 25 and read Lubrano

Sept 20, w      NO CLASS


Week 5: Describing Photos

Sept 25, m      Due: Draft of Essay 1—peer review workshop. Freewrite and discussion over essay 1 elements

Sept 27, w      Due: Final Draft of Essay 1. Discuss how we read the city and see the city; What is a photograph? Barthes on Studium and Punctum; HW: Read Abbott, Hine, Nooney then write Journal 4


Week 6: Writing a Comparison Essay

Oct 2, m         Due: Journal 4. Discuss photo terms (Barthes) and role of photography in culture; reality vs. image; HW: read Parlá and Teju Cole

Oct 4, w         Discuss Essay 2: narrating physical and moral views (facts and feelings) of NYC; Discuss photos and More terms. HW: read Sontag selection on OpenLab; Write Journal 5


Week 7: Writing a Comparison Essay

Oct 9, m         NO CLASS

Oct 11, w        Journal 5 Due; discuss readings; revision techniques and quotations. HW: Study for Quiz 2


Week 8: Structure: Revision and Techniques of Good Writing

Oct 16, m        Quiz 2; Freewrite. Practice reading images; Discuss ways of seeing the city; HW: read Anastasio

Oct 18, w         Freewrite; Discuss Anastasio, photography, and reading images. HW: Journal 6


Week 9: Beginning the Research Essay

Oct 23, m         Due: Journal 6; Review for Midterm; HW-study for Midterm

Oct 25, w         Midterm Exam; HW: write draft of Essay 2 and bring to class for peer review


Week 10: Beginning the Research Essay

Oct 30, m       Due: Draft of Essay 2 for Peer Review; HW—revise essay 2

Nov 1, w       LIBRARY INSTRUCTION DAY—Meet in Ursula C. Schwerin Library (Atrium Bldg)

                           HW: see OpenLab for details on revising Essay 2; Bring revised final draft of essay 2 to class on Mon


Week 11: Beginning the Research Essay

Nov 6, m         Final Draft of Essay 2 due

Nov 8, w         Discuss Essay 3 and Research; HW- Read Deak and Egan and writing TBA



Week 12: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

Nov 13, m       TBA

Nov 15, w       TBA


Week 13: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

Nov 20, m       Question and Answer; Student Samples. HW: Journal 7** (make up) (5 questions)

Nov 22, w       Due: Journal 7**. Citations and Works Cited discussion; HW: read Whitman, Poole, and Naison


Week 14: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

Nov 27, m       Discuss Portfolio; Discuss readings

Nov 29, w       Due: Portfolio, Discuss readings and writing strategies; HW: study for quiz 3


Week 15: Putting It All Together and Final Exam

Dec 4, m        Due: Quiz 3 and First Peer Review

Dec 6, w        Research Day/Library Day


Week 16: Final Exam

Dec 11, m      Second Peer Review

Dec 13, w     Due: Essay 3 (Annotated Bib + Essay) Due in class and Exam prep


Week 17: Finale

Dec 18, m      FINAL EXAM