ENG 1101, Section D391, Comp 1, Fall 2016

Professor Sean Scanlan's OpenLab site

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Homework for Monday, October 31

Hi Class,

I’ve been really impressed by your  photos! But remember, I’m not grading them–only your essay. You may want to review the assignment details.

Essay 2 is due before class at 2:30 pm. Please upload both photos and your essay.

-Make the images small so that they do not take up too much space on the page.

-Make sure to name your essay with section details,

for example: Sscanlan-Essay2-D391-f2016

-Here is my spring semester class as an example:


[note essays by: Jesse, Patricia, and Jasmine]

-How to post media: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/blog/help/adding-images-to-your-site/


Email any questions. Make sure to use your City Tech email address and ask specific questions.


Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Wednesday, October 26

Essay 2 peer review on Wednesday:

Please bring at least two typed pages of Essay 2 to class for our peer review.

If you have not already done so, get your photos approved. Also, try to work on your quotations (minimum of 4). The final draft will require a Works Cited.


Here are my findings on Essay 1:


-Avoid overusing “you”

-Thesis statement: While X, I think Y.

-Topic Sentences need to be stronger.

-Method—a strong method statement helps with organization and can help your thesis.

-Reflect on the end of your analytical paragraphs.

-Paragraphsstructure. We will cover this on Wednesday.


-Quotations-work on introducing each quote smoothly.

Robert Moses Beach


This image was taken in the summer of 2016 at Robert Moses Beach located in Long Island.  In this studium my little cousin is doing hand stands in the sand while my little toe sister all the way in the back is running away from the wave.

Hitting off a tee

fb_img_1476712138954This photo was taken in the summer of 2016 by myself. in this photo i am hitting of the tee at orange park in the Bronx at about 3:30 in the afternoon. The studium in this image is me hitting of the tee. This image also applies the rule of thirds. This image also allows to see the depth of filed by looking at me and looking at the people playing in the background. The distance between the people in the background and i seems to be pretty far.

"Who lives here?"

The art depicted in this photograph is called “who lives here” by unknown artist in coney island the dominant impression is somewhat mysterious ,in the studium, You see 4 kids drawn in black and grey chalk on a white background smiling, “Who lives here?” is written four time in the bottom left corner, it is night time and the photo is filtered in noir for effect. The punctum to me is how “who lives here” is written four times and adding the 4 black kids it’s showing who actually lives in coney island, the “real” coney island which isn’t as developed to the extent the amusement park and attractions are as you venture deeper into coney island beyond the rides.In ads for coney island it only shows the thousands of tourists who flood the streets and beaches of coney island during the summer.

My Lie


The studium of this photograph is two rusty, brown locks locked to a fence above a train track with the writing of, “getting over this hump” on the larger lock, while the smaller one says, “Ashley Luke 8.11.14”. This picture was taken during the daytime with the photographer aiming his camera downwards. towards the train tracks. The depth of field in this photo highlights the main subjects, which are the two locks. Furthermore, the transition makes the viewers not focus on the train tracks but rather the writings on the lock it self. Another element that highlights the subject is the rule of thirds, which focuses on the word “over” as it is located towards the upper right of the picture. The punctum of this photo is a false promise that I made 12 years ago. There was a girl in my local library who I met in the middle of spring, and we became inseparable every since. Everyday, after school we would excitedly sit in front of the library discussing our dreams. One day, while we were worrying about being separated by different middle schools, I promised her that things will never change and we’ll never say goodbye. However, as the days grow by, the more the distance grow between us. This picture is a constant reminder of the lie that spring, which made me feel regretful for not keeping my promise with her.

Saying Goodbye

By: Ashley Singh

I really love this documentary photo that I took because it displays the rule of thirds. The subject which is the newly weds are not centered in this photo they are aligned to the left which makes the photo more interesting. The studium of the photo shows a couple just married, waving goodbye to their guest. They are dressed in Indian attire and they are standing on a carriage. In the background,  there are trees with bright greens leaves and you can even spot a person or two. The colors in this photo are highly saturated so it looks like a sunny day. The dominant expression in this photo is happy. The just married couple has the biggest smiles on their faces. This photo documents a significant moment in their lives.

Train Station


The Next Stop, 2016

In this photo “The Next Stop” by Melody Batista, we see the sun setting at the end of a train platform. The studium of this photo is a train platform that is surrounded by houses and the light from the sunset which means that it was taken in the late afternoon.This photo documentary photo and gives a dominant impression of waiting as if something is going to happen. The photo is a good example of point perspective because of the way the light hits the platform, creating lines that lead to one single point in the photo.

Can you see it?

Baisley Pond Park

Baisley Pond Park


Can you spot the person in this photo? First consider the studium; the pond, the trees in the background, clear blue sunny sky, the skateboard, the great tree trunk to the left and the person swinging from a tree branch. Using the rule of thirds concept I was able to have the person almost camouflage, and blend into the foliage,  which made the picture quite interesting once you realize he’s there. I strategically placed the skateboard to hint that someone must be nearby. The tree towards the left adds a bit of a frame to give the image a completed look.

My Grandparents.

This picture is of my grandparents who came to visit me from Pakistan.Since I wanted to make my grandparents the focus of the picture I used the technique of Depth of field so the foreground is focused and the background is blurry. Another term that we used in class was Rules of third a technique that is not present in this photo since both my grandparents were siting a little distance from each other  so in order to fit them both in the frame i had to ditch the rule of third. Lastly i would say the Dominant impression of this photo would be happy.picsnew-133

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