
The studium of this photograph is two rusty, brown locks locked to a fence above a train track with the writing of, “getting over this hump” on the larger lock, while the smaller one says, “Ashley Luke 8.11.14”. This picture was taken during the daytime with the photographer aiming his camera downwards. towards the train tracks. The depth of field in this photo highlights the main subjects, which are the two locks. Furthermore, the transition makes the viewers not focus on the train tracks but rather the writings on the lock it self. Another element that highlights the subject is the rule of thirds, which focuses on the word “over” as it is located towards the upper right of the picture. The punctum of this photo is a false promise that I made 12 years ago. There was a girl in my local library who I met in the middle of spring, and we became inseparable every since. Everyday, after school we would excitedly sit in front of the library discussing our dreams. One day, while we were worrying about being separated by different middle schools, I promised her that things will never change and we’ll never say goodbye. However, as the days grow by, the more the distance grow between us. This picture is a constant reminder of the lie that spring, which made me feel regretful for not keeping my promise with her.