As Spring nears in the north walking down the same avenue I spent 10+ years of my life at. It’s always those subtle moments when I’m standing outside and I reminisce on how differently my life seems to be now than it was then. As an 8 year old ten years ago I was looking at the same thing thinking where I would be in the near future.  An ambitious yet underachieving youth, I never knew where I could be. This photo is a reminder of how life can change but life’s trials and tribulations will be never end, though my future isn’t definite I’ve learned to live with all possibilities, yet doing things to somewhat navigate my life toward what would be my ideal dream career. My avenue is just a constant reminder to move forward take what life gives you and to take advantage until I’m satisfied I cannot control where I go in life but I can enjoy my time for now and live life in the present not the future.