Hip Hop Resource Books

Students often ask me: where can I go to learn more about music history? The answer: books. The reason I like books is because they contain deep history, sustained argument, and they often provide footnotes and indexes–so that you can find other sources. Here are a few of my favorite books on popular and hip hop music:

Adam Bradley: Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop (2009)

Jeff Chang and DJ Herc: Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (2005)

Jeff Chang: Total Chaos

Tricia Rose: Hip Hop Wars (2008)

Alan Light: Vibe History of Hip Hop

Nelson George: Hip Hop America

Mark Anthony Neal: That’s the Joint: Hip Hop Studies Reader

Gwendolyn Pough: Home Girls Make Some Noise

Eric Michael Dyson: Know What I Mean?

**There are many other books on music, and I do not mean to imply that other types and genres of music are not as important as hip hop.

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Facebook and Your Job Prospects + Essay 2 Due Date

Hi Class,

Many of you might be on Facebook, and you also might know that privacy is not really granted in the online world. This article from Time Magazine makes it clear that you need to be extra careful about what kind of information you put on your social media pages because colleges or employers—almost anybody—can gain access to it.

Click here to read: http://moneyland.time.com/2012/03/06/background-check-for-the-digital-age-employers-colleges-ask-for-facebook-passwords/



Prof. Scanlan

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About Blog Posting + Homework Assignment

Hi Class,

This is an example of a post. Remember, everybody will be able to see your post or your comment. So, you might want to consider your words differently. Also, the whole world might be able to read your comment, so, again, be careful. But not too careful.

Homework: Journal 2 is a 200 word comment/blog entry in which you write about similarities or differences between the Whitehead piece and the White piece (both in Dwell).


Prof. Scanlan

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A Fine Article about Wikipedia

Hi Class,

I know that you are all probably going over the final draft of Essay 1 for tomorrow’s deadline, but I have something interesting to share with you. No, of course you don’t have to stop working on your essay. When you finish up your final proofreading, glance at this article:


Hardly a week goes by when a friend, or a parent of a college student, or a colleague rips into Wikipedia for its flimsy research, its weak documentation, its biased approach. Well, I’ve always thought that Wikipedia keeps gaining ground on other encyclopedias, and it looks like it has truly reached the tipping point, especially when esteemed historian William Cronon gives it the thumbs up.

Try this exercise: look up the terms “immigration”and “Brooklyn Bridge” on Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia and tell me which one is more complete with more footnotes and more resources.


Prof. Scanlan

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