UPDATED SEPTEMBER 7, 2012. Note updates are crossed out or in blue.
ENG 1101, Section 5331 (10:00-11:15 T, R Midway 305)
Course Title: Reading and Writing about New York City
Professor Sean Scanlan (NYCCT)
Please bring this schedule to each class as assignments and due dates may change.
Week 1: Introduction and Education
Aug 28, t Discussion of course, syllabus, and texts; Introductions HW: Read: Isaac Asimov essay
Aug 30, r Discuss Asimov essay. Computer Orientation–OpenLab; and in-class writing based on W. Perdomo; HW: read Salvatore Scibona and DeWitt Clinton essays and complete the Scavenger Hunt Handout.
Week 2: Education and Reading
Sept 4, t Due: Scavenger Hunt Handout. Freewrite; Education Essay 1 explained-Rhetorical Success. Discuss readings; HW: prepare for quiz–read Gardner and Wallis/Steptoe essays.
Sept 6, r Due: Quiz 1 over readings. Freewrite. Discuss elements and essay format. Read essays by Esmeralda Santiago, Bilal Rahmani, Colin Powell, and Alfred Lubrano (Dwell), and write a draft of Essay 1 for Monday’s peer review.
Week 3: Education and Writing a College Essay
Sept 11, t Due: Quiz 1–in class, over readings. Freewrite. Discuss revision and editing (quotations). HW: work on revising and editing Essay 1.
Sept 13, r Due: Draft of Essay 1—peer review workshop. Freewrite. HW: Read Colson Whitehead and E.B. White (Dwell)
Week 4: Comparing Views of New York
Sept 18, t NO CLASS
Sept 20, r Due: Final Draft of Essay 1. Discuss Whitehead and White; ways of seeing and writing. HW: read Langston Hughes, Ralph Ellison, and Ian Frazier; write Journal #2 on subways experiences and writing strategies
Week 5: Comparing Views of NYC Plus Sentences and Paragraphs
Sept 25, t NO CLASS
Sept 27, r Due: Journal 2. Discuss Essay 2: Comparing Views of NYC; Discuss readings. HW; Discuss readings; HW: read Katie
Roiphe, Anna Quindlen, and Nelson George in Dwell, and write a draft of Essay 2 for peer review
Week 6: Comparing Views of NYC
Oct 2, t Due: Draft of Essay 2 for peer review; discuss readings; revision techniques and quotations.
Oct 4, r Due: Final Draft of Essay 2. Freewrite. Discuss ways of seeing and reading the city; HW: read José Parlá in Dwell, and
write Journal 3.
Week 7: Writing a Descriptive Essay
Oct 9, t Due: Journal 3. Freewrite; Describing the city and art. Homework: read Joseph Anastasio
Oct 11, r Freewrite; Discuss photography and viewing the city: read Abbott, Hine, and Nooney
Week 8: Writing a Descriptive Essay
Oct 16, t Freewrite; HW: readings Koolhaas and Reynolds, write Essay 3
Oct 18, r Due: Draft of Essay 3 for Peer Review, prepare for Midterm Exam
Week 9: Revision and Techniques of Good Writing
Oct 23, t In Class: Midterm Exam
Oct 25, r Due: Final Draft of Essay 3. Begin Essay 4: Radical revision; HW: tba
Week 10: Revision Techniques
Oct 30, t Possible Library Research Session; Discuss revisions; HW: tba
Nov 1, r Possible Library Research Session; Discuss revisions: HW: tba
Week 11: Revision Techniques
Nov 6, t Discussion: what is good writing? And how to revise; HW: tba
Nov 8, r Discuss Essay 4 and revising; HW: revise and edit Essay 4
Week 12: Beginning the Research Essay
Nov 13, t Due: Draft of Essay 4 for Peer Review;
Nov 15, r Due: Final Draft of Essay 4. Introduce Research topic for Essay 5; HW: write Journal 4.
Week 13: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper
Nov 20, t Due: Journal 4. Freewrite; Citations and Works Cited page discussion; HW: assign Journal 4; read Shorto, Whitman,
Poole, and Mark Naison in Dwell.
Week 14: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper
Nov 27, t Discuss Portfolios. HW: prep for Quiz 2—over readings and citations.
Nov 29, r Due: Quiz 2. Discuss research methods: HW: read Lopate, Egan, and Deak in Dwell.
Week 15: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper
Dec 4, t Due: Portfolios
Dec 6, r Due: Draft of Essay 5 for Peer Review.
Week 16: Putting It All Together and Final Exam
Dec 11, t Due: Essay 5 (Annotated Bib + Essay) Due in class
Dec 13, R No Classes: Reading Day
Week 17: Final Exam
Dec 17, t Final Exam Day 1
Dec 19, r Final Exam Day 2—last class of the semester