Learning Blog

Blog#12   Been Doing It – Writing essays in certain length

English 2700 class definitely taught me how to climb up stairs from one floor to another and take my writing skills to a upper level. On that level, my previous writing skills meet new set of skills and ready to clime next floor to face any income writing challenges.
I already have previous experience producing manuscript type essays in certain length so, in the future there should not be a problem producing that type of documents. Even if I required to produce that type of document in the future, the knowledge gained from this course and mastering on these set of skills like audience consideration, document designs, teamwork, research, analysis, writing proposal, report, blog and effective communication can help me face those challenges. Every document has audience, need formatting, research, analysis, editing and publications even if some of these terms might not serve or have direct connection with writing essays in certain length however must have some indirect connection through writing family. There can be different pattern and requirement to produce that document. They made for different purpose and need follow acceptable partner. Even I have to come down to the level where I have to write manuscripts essays in certain length, I will do so to fulfill the requirements and tasks.
If a monkey master the techniques to survive in jungle . The monkey should not have problem with climbing the trees, jump and move in different directions from one branch to another.


Blog#11 Me no “meVersa”

If someone really needs to use miversa and like to use it are most welcomed by miversa.  Most likely, I will not use this app, there could be users who does not use multiple commutation platforms and does not have workplace communication tools might use it. On the other hand, I cannot experience type of services they provides, how effectively the service really works because I am not willing to open a trial or free account to see how it really works. However, I can sense the service through the website where they described their full set of features.

In most workplace and educational institutions has their own communion platform. While nowadays, people have devices like phone, tablets, PC and smart watch that able to integrate multiple mail account document sharing and application services in single device. In addition, these devices provide live notification and take “lightning” speed to move one application to another. These applications also have data sharing, group communication and same services or more for free that also provided miversa. They also offer most of the same service that offer by major tech giant like Microsoft cloud, google clouds and Amazon cloud services. Additionally, miversa limits the data sharing option where other services provide most of the features for free or less. There is no need to have extra services that users already can do it through existing services. They said private and secure conversation, word private and secure have lost their value largely and should not be a marketing words anymore after recent hacking re-hacking in some well established companies.

Multi-platform service is the only unique service that they have and it is a great asset for them and has a great chance of acquisition by other technology giant. More unique options that does not exist yet can enhance miversa’s value, even if it is hardware software combination.  For example, having a multi camera in a globe for 360-degree view, streaming the meeting and conversation through the service. They have good marketing strategy, having at least a free limited user account access to let the user familiar with service. So, their using habits comes along, if they like it, they will use it or extent the subscription.


Blog# 10 From There To Here

“From Here To There is a documentary” that is made by Andrew who lived in Taiwan for 17 years. It is always exciting documentary about a new regions and culture. It gives imaginary windows to the audience to explore a place without physically present. At the same time, it is educational, learning about a reason or culture. Way the people live or their lifestyle for example their house, food, farming and their activities. Every place different from others, unique views and objects surround are unique.

There are many way to skin a cat, before promotion this show its purpose must be determined. Is it going to be a paid program or free to view? After that, it can be promote through these hubs like.
• Social media
• Travel shows
• Disability shelters
• Local TV channels
• CD for Travel magazine
• YouTube paid/non paid
• Classes that teaches Chinese or English
In this episode the the travel companion is Che-Chen a blind person he also a singer. So this episode has responsibility towards visually impaired audiences which makes this program more responsible about the background sound. I watched it closing my eyes and realized that Sound of the kite, breaking the taro, ocean sound, bell noise in temple and a full song should be stronger. However, the meat chopping sound in the butcher shop was strong. Overall, the show was very enjoyable for me because I could see the beauty of the nature and surroundings virtually.


Week 9 – Planning for Change
In this upcoming final project, I will try to improve my technical writing skills by minimizing and avoiding the mistakes that I made in midterm projects. After the midterm evaluation, I will find out the changes that I had to make for midterm project.
Midterm project was challenging and the upcoming project will be another challenge. Challenge makes everyone to pushes themselves up to the limit like a video game – climb to the next level and ready for next challenge. I will definitely change how I work as a writer, like climbing stairs or a baby how they learn to walk. As we approach farther towards the semester, I will make change depending on the midterm evaluation. In addition, I will try to gather as much information as possible in beginning of the project and keep in mind the timeline. Therefore, I will have enough time to organize, reorganization, research and design. From this changes I aspect to achieve or produce a decent assignment, which will be better from the previous. It is an ongoing process and every writing project makes me to identify and upgrade my writing skills. With these changes, I will be a better writer than ever before and ready for the next writing challenge as a grown up writer.

Week 7 – Coming to Grips with ENG 2700
In this new way of writing, I learned to be good at many things. Not only Writing about the subject that I am familiar with, a feeling, imagination, experiences, my interest, objects matter to me and others but also making connections to the readers using appropriate writing tone, structure and design. For better understandable structure and readable style, I considered:
• Audience Consideration
• Chungking & sequencing
• Simplifying Headings
• Write Clearly, concisely and personable
• Appropriate Style
In mid-term assignment, making connections between the writing and finding supporting evidences was difficult. It takes enormous amount of time and affords to do the research and find evidence to support a claim. Most of the time there were lack of evidence and research available or it is not available for everyone to access. On the contrary, in the beginning it was difficult to decide a topic from many.
If it possible and relevant to this class. I will like to improve my writing skills to learn about creating, producing and publishing content like advisement, proposals, articles and journals in various medium. On the other hand, the midterm evaluation will define what need to be improved.
I done enormous amount of research on midterm writing assignment. Some of my opinion and assumptions before the research proved to be wrong after research. On the other hand, after research I found and learned about new substances that were unfamiliar to me.
None of the part in this assignment frustrated me however spending time, sitting down with patients and working on it was frustration. Where I could spend the time to have fun and enjoy my living.
Over this entire project was helpful exercise to practice and assess my writing strength. Therefore, I can learn from my mistakes, evaluate myself and improve my skills to work on next assignment.

Week 6 – Making Connections
This blog is about experiences I had while writing on the midterm assignment two, which was scrambling through ideas and selecting one. Than producing a report, call “quicker and dirtier report”. It was mostly about finding an idea, credential sources related to it, brainstorming and freely writing about it.
While writing this report, I questioned myself is that worthy to share ideas with everyone? I wrote, rewrote, and struggled to select an idea. Finally, I settled to a point that some ideas are relevant to share and some not. It is not an elegant choice to share some ideas with everyone before it reach to certain stage. I must keep it secret until certain stage and development before finding or connecting with a negotiator. Other hand, I experienced in the class is that some ideas and thought must be shared openly to give them shape and form which is true. Therefore, I changed the direction and start sharing.
Finding an idea is always easy for me. However, organizing, designing it to a technical document is harder because I am new to this field. After writing this report, I realized that what next? What type of tools, technique, programs and accessories need to create that organic technical document. For example finding credential sources, finding supporting ideas, taking survey, audience, publishing medium, taking image, image-taking device, resolution, editing that image and using paper etc. Mostly, the harder part was to find supporting evidence even though I know about the topic and had personal experience from it , but was not sure about the scientific and medical terms. I also realized that I might have to talk to an expert, who might know these scientific and medical terms.
In my opinion writing, a position of introduction rather than deduction means thinking or imagining in a larger picture and narrow down to relevant ideas, picking an idea and start writing from that point. Rather than assigning, a topic and forcing down to write about it,  following tradition and outmoded method that used in English courses.
Definitely, it was a valuable exercise because letting students to decide the topic that they thinking about and want to write. This is the first time in my entire educational experiences in U.S. and outside U.S. that one class, course or instructor cared about students thinking and their ideas that can be “next big thing”. “This next big thing” may not come from students from this semester or next but definitely any time soon from a citytech student.

Week 5 – Your Writing Process
Writing process are the steps that can be helpful to produce standard document. I image my writing in different dimensions or angles to find a best fit and ideas that I can plug into my writing. While I am writing and go through each of the steps, I keep in mind or constantly question myself what I am writing about, why I am writing as and who are my audiences? Individual writing process is the sequence that someone follows from one word next word, one sentence to next sentence and so on. Mainly, writing process is the procedure, tools, timing and technique that someone uses for writing.
This is the closest I can imaging, when I think of a writhing process:
Some says there is no such thing as writing processes. In my opinion, these writing process steps come to the consideration automatically when I needs to write a professional level writing. Flowing this process does not harm, rather can benefit me to produce a decent document.
In these first three processes, Thinking/brainstorming, researching and planning which ever come first does not matter. I plan first by considering how much time I have, the resources available for me to do the work and level of priority that need for that writing. Research throughout various medium like library, web, book, journals and news if needed. In addition, thinking about the writing task while I am not doing anything or connecting dots with the work I am doing.
I use many tools and devices in writing process. For drafting I mostly use my hand held device to write pre-draft, draft and ideas. It is quicker for me to reach and write down the ideas that come to my mind.
In my writing process I try to stay on track by constantly thinking about the main theme or topic that I am writing about. Therefore, I can keep myself on the track. I try to think about the readers interest while change the draft into actual writing. Therefore, they can understand what I am trying to say. This is the stage where I decide whether I need more explanation, illustrations and organization. Make sure that my writings are clear, concise and defined the terms that I should. Checking it over that I have said appropriately what I wanted to say, my reasons are consistent and precise.
In this editing stage, I check for grammar, spelling organization. Make sure that my documents are in the correct format and  I have used easy-to-read formats.
I will need to revise the document after editing, for its superiority and punctuality due to the respect of professionalism; which is mandatory for technical writing process.
After revising if there are anything misfits or needs to correct like adding and delete even if I have to start over or figure it out like a puzzle.
Medium that I am going to use for publishing is also I have to take into consideration. Is it for business and organizational communication purpose? Is it for social media? How many readers and type of readers their going to be for example novice, expert etc.? In my writing process, publishing medium has effects on tone and structure of my writing.
I try to find and ask someone to read over my work and double-check for errors and evaluating. If I have option to publishing the document for evaluating through feedback, comment or concerns. Then, I can go back to correct and publishing it again.
Writing process is mostly same for all the writers but their critical thinking, finding ideas and text they generate is different. Here are some of the significant factors that I take into consideration in my writing process also has influence in writing Process for example discussing with others, audience, carefully reviewing, deadline or allocated time, writing time etc. I use online tools for citations, which is lot easier than writing manually. As usual, I use last sentence of first paragraph for thesis statement. I search through possible strong ideas/arguments relative to the topic and describing them in details in each paragraph.

Week 4 – Statement of Professional Ethics
An employee must check an organizations ethics before they join and compare with their preference. Employees and Employers must flow some ethics, which is necessary for an organization’s smooth operation. In my opinion it should be same for both because if the organization benefits than the employee aids. On the other hand if the employs benefits they work hard than the outcome come back to the organization. Even though some ethics are beneficial for employees but it is hard for an organization to follow because their resources are limited.
Responsibility: Every employee must responsible to their work and giving the responsibilities helps employee to know their work boundary and perform better.
Be respectful everyone: It built trust in relationship with everyone in the organization.
Companies’ information: Employee must have guideline how careful they should be with companies’ information.
Give fair credit to their work: Giving fare credit to employees work will encourage them to work hard.
Companies’ security: Objectives employee should be prepared or careful of protecting company’s security.
Have opportunity to share thought and ideas: Have opportunity to share thought and ideas from bottom to top that might bring “next big thing”.
Improvement through hard work: Every employee should have option to improve in position through hard work.
Mentoring: Have mentoring option to guide employee towards organizations goal and support them to complete the job if needed.
Learn new skills: Employee should have option to learn new skills.
Collaboration: Option for employer and employee collaborate as much as possible.
Safety: Enough safety for job loose, health insurance, hazard, harassment and discrimination.
Fare Pay: Paying a fare salary to every employee without negotiating and bargaining. Not forcing, binding or trick them in long-term contract.
Entertainment: For motivation and recreation, an organization should have for example picnic at least once a year.

Week 3 – Meta-Analysis of Audience
This instruction “WHY YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR TIERS IN GOOD SHAPE” published in Whitehouse.gov website. Its primary audience is the car owners and secondary audiences are environmentalists, insurance company, gas suppliers, and auto mechanics. It is about why, how and where a car owner should keep their tire in good condition. It reminds car owners about saving, safety and the environment.
For audience attention, it used decent, attractive, colorful design for example an attractive wide tire, carbon fiber background, two different headings using red and yellow colors. It used icons instead of a picture, which save spaces. This illustrations and messages helps the audience to visualize the situation simplify shortly and precisely. It followed different style and formats for example using the shade in the tire picture, yearly saving dollar amount inside the clip-art gas pump, number of crashes in the clip-art car and using the cloud like art back of the car for carbon emission number which not only visual attractive. It also, followed the order in number point. In a particular case, providing examples and graphic will make audience to visualize the consequence. There is tone, steps compare to the users understandability so they can easily follow the directions and complete the responsibility. It describes lot in bigger picture in limited space.
In addition, inform them about the air pressure, alignment and grip they must check and where they can learn more about or whom they should contact and provided a link for easy access. In addition, option to link that anyone can share to inform others. This document has three direct primary purposes and this primary purpose can have many indirect outcomes.
* Personal Savings
* Legal reason
* Ethical reason
It first starts with audience personal saving for example keeping the tire inflated will save gas, which will save money. It gives an approximate saving amount to the audience. Who does not like to save? The indirect outcome is keeping it fixed will generate saving and the same saving can be applied for future maintenance like auto circulation; the safety will be improve without any extra cost. Second, about the audiences safety and provided the static crash report to remind them the actual danger. Keeping the tire fixed will reduce the chance of direct accidents and indirect impact in family or cost of insurance companies. Third, a good tire will burn less gas directly and indirectly saves fossil fuel, less carbon emission.
Lastly, using this document for the maintenance, proper use, safety, minimizing liability will benefit audience and the society.
Lannon, John M. “Analyze Your Document’s Audience and Purpose.”Strategies for Technical Communication in the Work Place. By Laura J. Gurak. 2nd ed. N.p.: Longman Group, 2012. 19-34. Print.
Podesta, John. “Here’s Why You Need to Keep Your Tires in Good Shape:.”The White House. The White House, 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.

Week 2 – Connecting Culture to Communication
We know that every country and reign has many languages gestures and communication style. There are different parts in the same region, which has different life style and communication signal. In my previous home culture Languages use for communication mostly is Bangla, also known as, Bengali. Many people in Bangladesh also speak Hindi, Urdu, English as a second language and English is highly prioritized in education. For communication, language has vital role though there are different signs, techniques and gestures valued as style of communication.

In this culture bangle is the main language of more than 98 percent of the population. It also used in Indian states west bangle, Tripura and southern Assam. Bangla cultural vocabulary represents many foreign language words. These contain some strong Islamic word seen in the greetings “Asalaam-alykum” (Peace upon you) and “Khuda-haffez” (Bless you) and words from the Arabic region such as “Dokhan” (shop), “Tarrikh”(Date), “Kolm”(Pen). English also has strong influence on Bangla communication. Many words of English origin such as chair, calendar, table, Tiffin, school entered Bangla. In recent globalization, many English words such as internet, mobile phone, camera, video, radio and many words approved by Bangla and people seem comfortable with these words.
There are several ethical spaces between men and women, same sex, between seniors and youth. Personal distance is less of an issue when speaking to the same gender and touch is usual and is not indication of sexual, while speaking with a woman the space should increase. Arrange marriage are very common it is unusual to date someone or have any open relationship for example holding each other hand, hugging and kissing each other even talking to someone publicly. Women supposed to cover their full body from head to toe and keep distance while talking to an unknown male. Coincidently, showing thumbs down or even up to someone in rural areas are disrespectful. Eye contact is short because having or continuation of a direct expression, mostly with the parents, older person, employer indication of disrespectfulness. Generation is changing this type of traditional thinking diminishing but it still exist in rural areas.
At religious holidays, invitation, gifts, foods shared to relatives, poor neighbor, specifically in Ramadan on “eid-al-fitr”, two month after “eid-al-fitr” is “eid-al-adha”. When visiting someone’s house it is common to bring mostly sweets, fruits and specially cooked foods. On the other hand, every evening village males gather in the teashop to discuss social issues, watch TV and hang around. In rural areas, people mostly know each other from distance villages across 15 to 20 miles radius by family name, relatives, friends and use to send messages by person to person. If anything goes wrong or someone feels offended, they should report to the village leaders and they try to solve the problem. If they unable to solve it they invite other village leaders from different areas or finally communicate with law enforcements.

*******Sha_Midterm_Project(Why Ginger?)*******

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