Learning Self Analysis

I have flourished and acquired tremendous knowledge on my journey to receiving my Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree.  I have grown to love nurses even more. We are great team players, the backbone of healthcare, and many more. The healthcare system is evolving and so are nurses. I have learned to not settle for less during this journey. I was often told to practice at the top of my degree, that is, always obtaining a higher degree and practicing at the highest level of my degree. Nurses are leaders in healthcare,  and we are the change that is waiting to happen. I have learnt to be more aware of different cultures. This is significant because the United States can be viewed as a diverse country, a melting pot, or a salad bowl. Everyone is unique in their own way and should be provided with individualized culturally competent care. Achieving competencies within your specialty of care is amazing. It gives one confidence, it further builds rapport with patients, and it shows that one is proficient in their area of practice.  In general, I enjoyed this journey on earning my Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. It was fulfilling, and it is a stepping stone for greater, that is yet to come.