College Students

Let’s face it, college isn’t easy!  This is especially true for students who have to work full time while in college.  You have midterms, finals, homework assignments, group assignments and hour upon hours of research.  These factors along with any home life issues you have to deal with can cause a great deal of stress.

The school drop out rate around the country is high.  Here, City tech has a 32% completion rate after 6 years. This means 68% are not completing their degrees for various reasons.  According to a poll from Business, a high majority of students drop out because they are overwhelmed.

Here is a 2013 study from CUNY system retention and graduation rate

The study took a group of newly enrolled students and followed them over 4 years to determine the graduation rate.

  1. At the end of the 1st year 67.9% of the students were still enrolled
  2. At year 2 the number of students enrolled dropped to 48.8%
  3. By year 3 the number dropped to 30.7%
  4. At year 4 the number dropped to 19.8%

This study shows that a significant group of students are not graduating. There are many reasons for students leaving school.  Some of these factors could be illness, death, finances, or feelings of overwhelming due to difficulties balancing school and life balance. 


Here are the statistics according to a survey by

Reasons for leaving college

Need to work and make money and couldn’t balance work and school   71%

Couldn’t afford the tuition   52%

Need a break from school due to stress   54%

Not enough time to spend with my family (need more time)   41%

Classes were too difficult   34%

Its often believed that financial strain is the top reason why students drop out of college.  But according to the survey above, most college students leave college because they work to support themselves and go to school at the same time.  The stress of trying to balance both becomes too much.

BUT….there is hope!

Self Motivation  is the Ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations.  People with self motivation can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them.

Self motivation can help you not give up in your college studies and provide you with the drive to succeed

Motivation is the key to academic performance, persistence and success.

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This website will provide you the resources to help you re-discovering your inner strength