About Us

About us

Hello! We are group two: Marilyn Mosquea, Natalia Loja, and Lilliam Marquez, and Michael Savoy the founders of Release your Inner Motivator.  Our desire is to provide college students the resources needed to help them motivate themselves to stay focused in their studies.  

Our Mission

Lets face it, life is full of undue stress. As a student you are exposed to a barrage of stressors during the college experience, from growing pains associated with adjusting to college to everyday factors like social pressures and work responsibilities. These stressors come with some dire consequences that can negatively affect both a students physical and emotional health. One of the main reason for college drop out is an inability to manage stress and stay motivated. Our goal is to ignite a fire in you by giving you exactly what you need to beat the stress and stay focused in your school studies. We do that by giving you information to stay motivated.