
N.A. “How to Save for College” 2016. Photograph. Go College.

Many students do not know that they are eligible for multiple scholarships and grants. Many colleges do not give out all of their scholarships due to a lack of applicants. Students need to visit the financial aid office and ask questions about what grants and scholarships they can apply too. Many students believe they can only receive one scholarship but they can actually receive as many as they can get. Taking summer courses is a great way for a student save money on tuition. Generally, summer courses are cheaper than courses in the spring and fall semesters. By taking courses in the summer, it allows a student to take more credits and graduate earlier than they were supposed too. Taking a few extra credits a semester is also a way to save money as a student. Colleges charge students by the semester, so if they take six credits or fifteen credits students will be paying the same price. By taking extra credits every semester it will allow students to graduate early, therefore, saving them money.

For more information regarding students saving money on tuition visit