College Supplies

Levin,Heather.”14 Tips to Save Money on Back to School Supplies & Shopping List” 2009.Photograph.Money Chaser

The first step is to get a clear picture of your current finances: how much money you have coming in, and how much you are spending each month. The cost to go “back to school” keeps increasing. In 2010, the National Retail Federation (NRF) estimated that the average American student; college-age student would spend more than $600 on back to school supplies.

Supply sweep

First start by rounding up all of the office and school supplies you already own. (i.e. Pens, pencils, markers, highlighter, erasers, rulers, notebook, loose-leaf paper, binder, calculators, art supplies and post-it notes) Collect all of these supplies and put all of these supplies in a central location, this will give you a clearer picture of what you actually need to buy. Ideally, the “supply sweep” will prevent you from buying something you already have on-hand. When shopping for college supply stet a limit in the amount your want to spent. Buying the “latest and greatest” and name-brand product will be costly instead going to garage sales can be a treasure of deals for back to school supplies and you can also find awesome deal at thrift stores.

Old vs New book

Buying old or used book is no differences form buying a new book. I promise you, the old or used book has the same amount of words and picture as the new book, the old or used book just doesn’t have that new book smell but it cost less. You can buy used textbooks on sites such as Amazon, eBay, and and Additionally you can save 50% or more on textbooks if you buy a digital copy and download it to your kindle, or other e-reader. You can save a lot of money by buying used items, you can also ask friends or classmate if they have any used book.




14 Tips to Save Money on Back to School Supplies & Shopping List