
Tull,Chenell.”10 Reasons Student Loan Companies Are the Bullies of College” 2014. Photograph. Blog

Saving money on food is one of the easiest ways a college student can cut unnecessary spending. Making a weekly food budget can help students keep track of exactly how much they are spending on food. Putting aside a certain amount of money at the beginning of each week will limit how much you spend. College students should also avoid eating out at restaurants because one night out can cost a student an entire weeks worth of food. To avoid spending lunch money at school its best to bring pre-packed lunches, like cold cut sandwiches, pb&j sandwiches, bagels, or yesterdays dinner left overs.  If one does decide to go out to a restaurant, have a limit on how much you’re trying to spend that night, to many drinks on a night out might influence bad money habits. Buying a cup of coffee everyday can also greatly impact a student’s budget. The two dollars spent everyday quickly adds up and a student could use that money to invest a coffee machine or stovetop coffee maker to make their own coffee every morning.