Individual Strengths

I am a very dedicated individual who loves to follow the rules because I belief doing the right thing not only benefits me but others as well. I am persistent when it comes to reaching my goals because I know that there will be benefits in the future. I love to make sure that my work whether school work, house work or babysitting work is done in the right way by planning ahead for if in an event something does not go according to schedule or creating a plan B if the original plan does not work. I am the one who usually does everything in a group work because my aim is to receive a good grade. I genuinely love to care for those who are sick especially older people. I love being around them, listening to their life stories or receiving good advice. I believe in advancing education because I have placed myself in a career where I should provide the best possible care for another so I think that the more I know, learn or critically think the better I am able to make judgment calls or provide an effective plan of care. I am also someone that do not take things at face value, I have to either read more about it or do research in other to have a better understanding.

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