Self-Reflection Analysis of the Baccalaureate Program in Nursing

The baccalaureate program in nursing is a journey of rediscovery, mind opening experiences and learning of the inner works of the health care system and the knowledge of what it takes to be successful in this profession. This program encouraged me not only to look at the whole universe of the client but also communities. I learned the importance of case management, how the nurse can help bring about change in a community, all the work put in place to make sure that a health care facility runs properly and improves patient’s outcomes and a more in depth knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of nurses as written in the Nurse Practice Act. It introduced me to the theory behind the practice and a way of thinking about nursing that surpass beyond the clinical aspect. It uncovered a confidence in me that I am pleased to say have helped me in how I approach clients at my clinical setting. I speak and teach my clients with an understanding of my role as an advocate and knowing their expectations of me to be competent health care member. I have a new found respect for other nurses especially nurses who are case managers because they work really hard to ensure that every aspect of the client care is covered, appropriate and necessary. I now see that nurses play a major role in the establishment of health care polices because we really take the time to listen to the voice of the client, ensure that care is effective and the patient/client knows about the resources available to them. This program has pushed me towards advancing my knowledge of nursing even more because I believe the more knowledgeable that I am, the more positive changes I can evoke in a person’s life. I stand strong when I say continuing education should be the way to go because it opens the individual’s mind to thinking more critically, being confident in taking ownership of judgment calls, collaborating with others, contributing to the profession either through writing books , developing new strategies to implement or researching evidence base practices.


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