Personal Philosophy of Nursing

As long as I can remember I’ve always had an innate compassion which drives me to care for others. I knew that if I made nursing my career of choice it would be a platform that I could use to continue this trait of kindness. I believe that nursing is a calling and this career is my calling because I was destined to be a nurse. My philosophy is built on the notion that I must treat all my patients with compassion, empathy and respect irrespective of their race, religion, economic status or backgrounds, while being culturally sensitive at the same time. It is important for me to provide and deliver safe, high quality, patient –centered holistic care to my patients, as this will contribute to the restoration of their health. I  credit this philosophy to my core values, principles and ethical beliefs that were ingrained in me during my childhood. I was taught by my parents that you must always treat a person the way you would like to be treated, as well as to do good. I believe that being compassionate is a quality that  nurses should possess because expressing compassionate care, either by effectively communicating with the patient or by a simple touch will show that you genuinely care.

I am a nurse to my patients, but I’m also a facilitator for them and I believe that I will be held accountable if I do not carry out my duties like a prudent nurse. Therefore, it is crucial for me to take care of my patients to the best of my abilities. These patients have entrusted me with their lives. Hence it is very important that I advocate for them and encourage them and their families to be active participants in their overall care and journey back to optimal health. My belief is that if family members are educated about the patient’s illness and treatment regimen this will improve the patient’s outcome.

Educating my patient is essential but as a professional, in addition to the knowledge that I have acquired in my nursing career, I believe that it is my responsibility to be cognizant about providing care to patients who are from diverse cultural backgrounds, and be respectful to all my patients regardless of their sexual preferences, customs and cultural beliefs. Nursing is evolving and the profession is becoming more advanced through research and evidence based practice. My belief is if I continue to stay abreast of the evolving changes in nursing I will grow in my profession, and the literature that I read and conferences that I attend  will consequently enable me to provide more high quality level of care to my patients.