Lab 3

 Factorial Calculator with Exponentiation Lab# 3


For laboratory three students were encouraged to use labels, compare, and jump statements [commands]. The coder–student–must create a hla enveloped program that displays a menu upon start-up with the following options (1) The sum of a number, (2) The product of a number, (3) The number 2 raised to a number of the users choice [“n”]. (1) Is defined as the factorial, for a positive number n the program will make n! = n+(n-1)+((n-1)-1)+…..+1, note that the factorial of 0 is equal to 1. Please go to this website for information on why 0!=1

In addition (2) is defined as n*! = n*(n-1)*((n-1)-1)*(n-3)*………*1.


program FactLab3;
#include ("stdlib.hhf");

a : int32;
b : int32;
c : int32;
Application :  int32;

begin FactLab3;

stdout.put("Hello This is Rafael AND Cynthia's second calculator. :)");

stdout.put("The following opperations are available.", nl, "(1)The sum of a number[factorial]",nl, "(2)The product of a number[factorial miltiplication ]",nl , "(3)The exponetial of 2^(number)",nl ,"(4)And final an exit to the program",nl );
stdout.put("Reminder: For Application (1),(2),(3) you may not use a negative number!", nl);

stdout.put("Please select from the above list.",nl"Application",nl);

	  cmp(Application,4);//checks if out side available choices
	JG Start;//Sends back to Start Label at the begining
	  cmp(Application,1);//checks if out side available choices
	JL Start;//Sends back to Start Label at the begining

	cmp(Application,1);//checks if FactorialStart Label was selected
	 JE FactorialStart;

	cmp(Application,2);//checks if FactorialMul Label was selected
	 JE FactorialMul;

	cmp(Application,3);//checks if n2Exp Label was selected
	 JE n2Exp;

	cmp(Application,4);//checks if Last Label was selected, this ends the program
	 JE Last;

FactorialStart://jumps to this part when Applications is equal to 1.
   stdout.put("You may not enter a number above or equal to 65000 or 2 raised to the 16 exponential value!",nl, "Please enter the number to   be used.",nl);
    cmp(a,0);		//checks for special case 0! = 1 sends to output loop
    JE FactorialSpecial;
    cmp(a,0);		//checks for negative numbers a=1,4>=1,3>=1,2>=1,1>=1...
    mov(edx,ecx);  // 5+0,5+5,5+10,5+15....20+20+20....60+60...120+0...
   add(edx,c);// was add(eax,c);....infinite loop when i tried to save back to eax after full loops
//stdout.put("The first loop value is  ", "c ", c, "    a ", a , nl, nl);
//just outputted values to check the loop to make sure the answer was right at each loop
   cmp(b,1);// used for loops 4 loops then 3 then 2 then 1
JGE FactorialMulLoop;// sends back to first loop for repeated addition
JNGE FactorialMulLoop2;//sends to second loop

FactorialMulLoop2:// second loop decides the multiplication
//n = n*(n-1)*n-2...*1
     mov(c,edx);//mov(c,eax)gave...infinite loop when attempted to save value.
//stdout.put("The second loop value is  ", "c ", c, "    a ", a , nl, nl); 
		//used to check the loop values
    cmp(eax,1);// used to compare for loops, 4 loops then 3 then 2 then 1
 JGE FactorialMulLoop;// sends back to the first loop with degraded value for its loop
 JNGE Output2;// sends to output once all the loops for the first and second are completed


    stdout.put("The factorial product is ", c,nl,nl,nl); 
     mov(0,ebx);	//Resets registers for next operation
 jmp Start;	// sends to begging of program for an other selection

    stdout.put("Please enter the exponent value to raise the number two to the ",nl);
    cmp(a,0);	// set a case for 2^0 sends to output imediately
 JE n2ExpSpecial;
    cmp(a,1);	// set a case for 2^1 sends to output imediately
 JE n2ExpSpecial1;
    cmp(a,65000);	// checks to see if number is greater than 65000
 JGE FactorialREStart2;
 JNGE n2ExpStart;
 // 2 raised to the 16 is fine for entry here only because the entry is 16 and not 65536.

   stdout.put("This number is not in the span available please choose an other value");
   stdout.put("Please enter the number to be used.",nl );
 JGE FactorialREStart2;
 JNGE n2ExpStart;

    stdout.put("The exponential of 2^[0]= 1",nl,nl);
 jmp Start;
    stdout.put("The exponential of 2^[1] = 2",nl,nl);

   mov(2,c);	// sets 2 as the incrimenter
   mov(0,ebx);// moves 0 to register ebx for starting value
 jmp n2ExpLoop;	// sends to main addition loop bellow

  add(c,ebx);//2+0 for start point 2^2
  mov(ebx,c);	// saves the value for powers of 2
  sub(1,a);	// sub 1 from a until a is 1
  cmp(a,1);	//checks against 2^1 for value of the exponent
 JGE n2ExpLoop;	
 JNGE n2ExpOutput;	//sends to output once loop is completed

	mov(ebx, b);// moves ebx to b for outputting
	stdout.put("The Exponential value of 2 =", b, nl,nl); 
	mov(0,ebx);	//Resets registers for next opperation
	jmp Start;	// sends to beggining of program for an other selection
end FactLab3;

Screen Shots:



Cynthia_Rafael_Factorial_Bug_Then_CorrectI am not certain why but for the factorial once entered i received a value of 134512807 for any number at the first start of the program, but after attempting the run again I out put the correct answer while still running the same code that gave me 134512807.


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