Author Archives: Rolanda Boxhill

Rolanda Boxhill – Manual/Semester Update

For my instruction manual, I am writing about the college process. I had a title in mind but as I started writing my content, I realized that I will have to change my title to summarize what I am trying to convey to my audience. The content of my manual so far has been coming along because I am writing about something that I have personal experience in so all my words are coming naturally.

This semester is overwhelming. Assignments on top of assignments and I feel like I am drowning. I usually plan out what assignments are due when so I could start accordingly but time waits for no one and that is when I usually slip up and have to get back to my schedule of assignments. I know I will be able to get all assignments in by the end of the semester.

Rolanda Boxhill – Mid-Semester Overview

I have been able to complete the assigned papers so far. The assigned topics for papers are where I have trouble with because they present difficulty to deliver content on. To arrange a paper about a journal article or a word or phrase, is stressful due to the thoughts of where to start or how to make the paper interesting enough that the reader won’t be bored. I would rather write papers on interesting topics that I can include real life examples to back up my reasoning for choosing this specific topic. Having to be objective is also a problem I have when writing papers because it is hard to not include my own opinion.

Rolanda Boxhill – The Shallows Commentary

While reading The Shallows, chapters 3, 4 and 5, I found a common interest when I read chapter 5. Reading about how far we have come from reading books and buying discs and CD’s, to now having access to e-books and streaming music on our mobile devices, it is fascinating. I wish that Alan Turing could see how his invention has come so far in technological history. One part of the chapter that I found interesting was about the library in the Bronx, that has all their books on shelves at each end of the floor and then the middle of each floor is designated space for computers. Technology has definitely come a long way.