Author Archives: jakiem848

Jakiem Johnson- Manual

My instruction manual is coming along pretty good so far. I have decided to do a manual on How to get better at fighting games since I have a good understanding of it because I play fighting games. In the manual I plan to teach the reader tips and tricks they need to know to become a better competitive player. I have a structure on how I want my a format to be but I just need to add graphics to enhance the reader’s experience.

Jakiem Johnson- Mid Semester Status

So far this semester isn’t going to well but I feel that I can improve as the semester goes on. English writing class has been overlapping with other classwork causing me to make hard choices and planning ahead of time. Overall I find the class to be informative when we have our class discussions after the presentations.

Jakiem Johnson- The Shallows

The Book called “The  Shallows” is a interesting book on how technology has changed our intellectual thinking. In the three chapters I read, I noticed the book takes the reader through a history lesson about how maps, clocks, writing and reading came about. It allows for the reader to do critical thinking about inventions like the printing press and what would happen if technology never advanced over a period of time. The quote “The technology of the map gave to man a new and more comprehending mind, better able to understand the unseen forces that shape his surroundings and his existence” on page 41 stands out to me because along side maps was the compass used to know which direction a person would like to travel to. Technology has advanced with our phones showing us directions so we won’t get lost