Author Archives: Diandra Lewis

Diandra Lewis Manual Status

The instruction manual is doing okay . Right now I’m in the stages of mapping out how i want my manual to look and reaching the word count efficiently. My manual is about how to modify your controller. I’m also trying to think is a table of contents necessary.As far as the how I’m going to map out the rest of the semester ,is pretty much study and getting my work done on time  .This semester work load was by far the most in all of my semester but I’m almost at the finish .

Diandra Lewis Mid Semester Status

The semester has been slightly stressful so far . I noticed that I have a hard time staying on track with the workload. But I’ve made a to do list on google drive but I’m still falling behind by a week of class work . I’m trying to improve my time management . The lack of sleep also makes it hard .But with my Sleep Apnea ,I will push through .

Diandra Lewis -The Shallows Summary

“The Shallows : What The Internet Is Doing  To Our Brains” By  Nicholas Carr was not very interesting . Chapter 3 And 4 didn’t interest me at all . Chapter 3  talked about the history of map making and  how it came about . Chapter  4 talked about time and clocks .  Chapter 5 was slightly interesting .Carr talked about Alan Turning and the Turning Machine and technology  in the past .