Monthly Archives: September 2017

Abdulrahman Muthana – The Shallows

Some of the things the shallows talks about is technology. The author talked about the history of how technology evolved overtime and the affects it had on the human brain. Some examples the author mentioned were the map and the clock. One thing that I found interesting was when the author mentions how that when technologies get more advanced it creates new ways to for the human brain to think. It improves the human brain. Another thing that the author mentioned that I thought was interesting was when he talked about how technology will evolve to the point of being able to reproduce itself and that humans will become dispensable.

The Shallows – Christopher Soto

Christopher Soto
Technical Writing
Professor Rosenstein
September 13th, 2017
The Shallows – Free Write (10 mins)

In Chapter 5 of the Shallows by Nicholas Carr, Carr gives history on the Turing Machine and the story of Computer Scientist Alan Turing. Turing was a British Mathematician who was responsible for the decryption of the Enigma machine, a device used during World War II to send encrypted messages. Carr discuses the Turing Machine and about how the current progression of technology has surpassed what would have been concerned advanced and potentially impossible during Turing’s time. Carr progressions onward and discusses about the different roles that have been taken over by technology (media, news, etc..)

Rolanda Boxhill – The Shallows Commentary

While reading The Shallows, chapters 3, 4 and 5, I found a common interest when I read chapter 5. Reading about how far we have come from reading books and buying discs and CD’s, to now having access to e-books and streaming music on our mobile devices, it is fascinating. I wish that Alan Turing could see how his invention has come so far in technological history. One part of the chapter that I found interesting was about the library in the Bronx, that has all their books on shelves at each end of the floor and then the middle of each floor is designated space for computers. Technology has definitely come a long way.

Chauncey Dumaguing, The Shallows Comments

In Nicholas Carr’s book, The Shallows, he talks about how the internet has changed not just his life, but many people’s lives over the years. He saw this back in 2007 after using the internet for the past ten years, which led him to see the change in him from using not just the the internet , but technology over the years. One of the things he mentions in his book is how clocks and maps have changed our perception of time and space respectively. He even discusses different time periods that have introduced some type of technology and what they have done to change us over the years. From the first few chapters, Carr’s book is very interesting as he has gone out of his way to mention old and newer technology.

Doodnauth Singh –“The Shallows”

The shallows is an interesting way of tell the history of civilization and people. The story began a little slow for my taste however by the middle of the chapter the main idea of what the book is about started to become clear. The way the book bring information from through out history to make a point more valid and clear is quite interesting. For example connecting the printing press to technology that was the direct cause of social change. And how most of the time the invention that changed everything are not normally not seen its full potential from its creator. It also makes it clear on how society change according to the new inactivation that is presented to it. It also connect well know quotes from through history to show that change isn’t something new–that in fact its something that will happens and will keep on happening through out time. It also talks about how the brain of people changes according and with respect to the  advancement to tech in all fields.

Diandra Lewis -The Shallows Summary

“The Shallows : What The Internet Is Doing  To Our Brains” By  Nicholas Carr was not very interesting . Chapter 3 And 4 didn’t interest me at all . Chapter 3  talked about the history of map making and  how it came about . Chapter  4 talked about time and clocks .  Chapter 5 was slightly interesting .Carr talked about Alan Turning and the Turning Machine and technology  in the past .

Farrah Tsang- The Shallows

The three readings were very descriptive in creative writing. It gave me a visual of the concept behind the history of the Middle Ages. A lot of new perspectives while reading these three readings. Unlike the history books I learned in previous classes, the reading was persuasive enough to entertain me or a reader like myself. Gave me new concepts on how to better write whether in an essay. The metaphors in the readings especially gave particular meaning and supported the point on what the author is trying to say.