
Selected recent presentations

2021“Vulnerable Populations, Distributive Justice, and Public Health.” With David B. Resnik. American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, via Zoom (October, 2021).
2021“Rights as the basis for political legitimacy.” New York City Early Career Ethics Workshop. NYCCT, Brooklyn, NY (April, 2021)
2019“Kantian moral theory and the problem of political legitimacy.” New York City Early Career Ethics Workshop. NYCCT, Brooklyn, NY (November, 2019)
2019Invited commentary on symposium paper, “Kant’s Organic Republic: Judging Property Purposively” (Aaron Jaffe). American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York, NY (January 2019)
2018“AI and clinical ethics: What difference does being human make?” Paper presented as part of panel, “How artificial would AI ethics advice be? How intelligent? Exploring the future of AI in clinical ethics,” at the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 2018).  
2018“Justifying physicians’ legal disclosure requirements: Professional, moral, or political?” MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester, UK (September 2018)
2018“Chemotherapy and Court-Ordered Mandates: The Problems with the Best Interests Standard as a Basis for Legal Decision Making.” Saint Louis University Bicentennial Health and Social Justice Conference, St. Louis, MO (September 2018)
2018“Health justice and the moral specialness of health.” Saint Louis University Bicentennial Health and Social Justice Conference, St. Louis, MO (September 2018)
2018“Chemotherapy and Court-Ordered Mandates: The Problems with the Best Interests Standard as a Basis for Legal Decision Making.” Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Halifax, NS (May 2018)
2017“Finding the center of informed consent laws: autonomy or justice?” American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Kansas City, MO (October 2017)
2017“Defining ‘health’ in ‘health justice’: Some problems.” Invited plenary lecture at City Tech Faculty Research Conference, Brooklyn, NY (May 2017)
2017“Conceptions of Health in a Liberal Society: Thick or Thin?” Long Island Philosophical Society, Queens, NY (April 2017)
2017“Kantian Arguments for Legalizing a Market in Organs.” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Baltimore MD (January 2017).