Project Reflection

I’d like to thank the Stagecraft club and City Tech faculty for their abundance of help and feedback that steered the project into a more challenging, collaborative, and overall rewarding experience. This has been a constantly evolving project from the beginning it was decided that it was going to be a performance in the style of NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts. It took a lot of time for me to find the right technical advisor that could overlook and approve all aspects of the project as well as giving critical feed back that shaped every step of production. We ran into issues during the day of recording specficically with clipping and signal to noise ratio. Though these challenges were a result of myself taking on too many aspects at once, I am still proud of the completed project and the lessons that were learned as a result of this experience. Should the opportunity arise to do something like this again, I would step back clearly define my role as either a performer or technician, but not both at the same time. With that being said, I’ve been asked to perform for Kevin Perea’s culmination project and I am more than happy to be the performer while he focuses on the technical aspects of his project. It’s an honor to be asked to help out and give back as others have done the same for me and my project. Lastly, I’d like to say that the summation of all the skills and wisdom passed on from all the ENT faculty at City Tech has shaped me into becoming not just a better person, but a better technician, friend, and mentor to others in our field.