ENG 3771- HD83

This is my portfolio site for ENG 3771 Advanced Career Writing with Dr. Patrick Corbett . The purpose of this site is to showcase the revised versions of my  assignments throughout the semester.

Portfolio Assignment #1 – Goodwill Letter (FINAL) – Richard Matos

This goodwill letter was written to thank Professor. Aaron Barlow, he was my instructor for ENG 3773 Advanced Technical Writing last semester. At the end of the term I received a grade that I believed did not reflect the quality of my work. After showing supporting evidence of why I deserved a grade increase, the paper work was processed.

Portfolio Assignment #2 – Informative Message (FINAL) – Richard Matos

This portfolio assignment is an informative message describing the importance of my degree in Telecommunications Engineering Technology.  The most difficult part of writing my informative message was structuring it. Blending all the requirements of a PAIBOC model in a direct and more rhetorical sense. I did the best when it came to establishing the the presence of telecommunications in the world today.

Portfolio Assignment #3 – Negative Message (FINAL)- Richard Matos

This portfolio assignment is a negative message with the purpose of dismissing a prior engagement to teach at Queens Library in Woodside for the adult computer learning course . The most difficult part of creating this negative message was the buffer. I had to figure out a way to ease into the subject before I delivered the negative message or else it would lack positive emphasis. I think I did really well on explaining my situation and the reason for my inability to contribute to the organization.

Portfolio Assignment#4 – Persuasive Message (FINAL) – Richard Matos

This is a persuasive message where I try to convince Brooklyn businesses to offer internship opportunities. The most difficult part was figuring out how to begin the message. I could not think of a good way to start the conversation and lead into explaining the Internship Opportunity Program.I think I did the best in terms being direct and not overloading the audience with too much information. You want to give them enough info so they are intrigued but not so much that you have nothing more to say to them over the phone or in-person. I wrote this with similar intentions of a resume, which is to spark interest. I need to work on blending the topics better and making sure there is a smooth transition between each sentence and topic.

Portfolio Assignment #5 – Short Report (FINAL) – Richard Matos

This is a short report of an issue occurring at my place of work.  I chose to take the informative approach so my audience understands the details of the issue in order for my solution to have justification. I chose this structure because it was what came easiest for me. The way I organized my information was to brainstorm my ideas  by writing the first things that came to mind then arranging the order of the texts in a way that made sense.

Portfolio Assignment #6 – Product Description (FINAL) – Richard Matos

For the students choice portfolio assignment I decided to create a fake product and do a description of it. Its not quite a brochure just a details of an upcoming product in the market. Its simple because I lack the artistic experience to design something completely from scratch.

Resume and Cover Letter – Resume and Cover Letter (FINAL) – Richard Matos

My resume and two versions of my cover letter geared towards separate positions.


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