Admission: 20$
Tuesdays (nude models) & Thursdays (themed sketch night)
Time: 6:30 – 9:30PM

Location: Museum of Illustration, 128 East 63rd Street, NYC
Phone Number: 212 838 2560

On the 4th of February, I went to the Society of Illustrator’s Sketch Night. I was invited by my friend to accompany her with a group of other City Tech students.

The event was located on the third floor of the museum, it included a bar section and a small complimentary buffet(our night had salad and pasta; from what I heard from the others, it was pretty tasty).

This was a totally new experience for me. I was nervous but excited! My anxiety led me to believe that if I was the artist with the lowest skillset, then I would shame my entire family, but there was a surprisingly large variety of skill levels! And, everyone was rather friendly for the most part! I sat next to my friend, but in front of us sat two elder men that were super friendly and willing to chat with us.

One of the downsides was that it is a bit of tight space, so expect to squeeze around some people. Onto my right, I sat next to a taciturn artist that apparently shot daggers at me and my friend whenever we tried to go up and chat with other attendees.

It begins with one artist calling out the time. The first five poses were 2minutes. The second five poses were 5 minutes, and we got an additional bonus pose. The third set of poses was 10 minutes. Then, finally, the last two poses of the night were 20 minutes. There are breaks in between each secession as well!

In total, we drew for 130 minutes (2 hours, 10 minutes). A couple of City Tech students have left a little earlier, but four remained (including me and my friend). We ended up going out to find bubble tea before it got too late, and I strengthened some bonds with them as well! I entered their little artist group chat on Instagram and now we chat, update, and ask each other questions about things related to our interests!

I definitely would go again because it was a good way to brush up on my drawing skills and anatomy proportion, but also it was just a fun, chill night with other artists you can chat with.