What are the necessary steps to implements the Right to Repair?

While there are many important steps in implementing Right to Repair worldwide, the first step is bringing recognition to the issue. Many people are unaware of the issues that Right to Repair aims to solve, since it’s been this way for so long. By showing people that this movement not only exists, but can be beneficial to them, it gives people more of a reason to get behind it.

Second, the people who support Right to Repair have to make sure their local representatives are aware of the issue. By promoting and supporting politicians who are in favor of Right to Repair legislation, it will force other politicians to have to consider the point to stay in power. This increased support from politicians is important, since Congress would be the entity ultimately responsible for passing the law.

Finally, once Right to Repair is passed, we must make sure we support local repair shops, and educate ourselves on how to maintain and repair our electronics. The legislation will not be effective if we keep going to these same major tech companies for repairs.