Final project

This is my final project. The name of the app that I created it called RBO hit the random ball colors before it reach right side of the edge.This game was inspired by app inventor’s “Piant Pot” allow user to paint in the screen by using diffident button colors and make small dots and big dots. The game i created it is similar to Piant Pot except, it allow the user to obtain score by hitting the random ball colors.The game end two ways. If the random ball touch the right edge of screen the game will be over. Also, if the user hit different color instead of the appropriate color, then the game will be over. As the player obtain more score the random ball will run faster. This part is the challenging for the player. Eventually, the ball will touch in the right edge of the screen and the game will be over. Brightness and the background of the screen color give the player an illusion to score less points.