
 Culmination Proposal

Raheem Grenald

ENT 4499

My Culmination project will consist of an informative process breakdown in essay format (using pictures). I will be providing using lighting fixtures and accessories to properly light subjects during a photoshoot. I will be utilizing KYCAL Studios in Brooklyn as the primary location for this project. I plan to use the lighting fixtures available in studio to properly execute lighting the set. A few lighting fixtures that will be used are V Flats, Tube lights, Flash heads,  backdrops 47ā€ Octabox, soft grids & bounce boards. I will be Collaborating with Kyran Marshall, which is the studio photographer for this project , for 2 separate photo shoots. This allows me to provide variety in lighting techniques I can use according to subject preferences. This project will consist of a personal tutorial of the process needed to execute lighting the subject along with insight on how I operated each piece of equipment. Both photoshoots taking place was a direct booking from a client. The photos will be used to show a visual of the subject and scenery before and after the lighting process takes place. 

I plan to use the skills I learn during this project to further my experience in lighting techniques as well as become more comfortable working within a fast-paced entertainment environment.


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