Fiber, Fabric, Apparel Production


Dominican Republic is a hot, wet country. In the Dominican Republic the most useful fabrics are cotton, silk and linen. The textile sector in the Dominican Republic is one of the major industrial sources (Litman,2016). During the year 2015 Dominican Republic reflect an increased about 7% of export to United States with the textiles sector. In addition, the member of the fashion institute in Dominican Republic states that textiles industry is very extensive (Litman, 2016).

The Dominican Republic become the number 102 in the world in exporting prepared cotton. The cotton production reached an important level in the Dominican Republic, even allowing exports to foreign markets, and completely disappeared from this scenario. “Cotton had its golden age in the 1960s in Latin America, but now everything is either from India or China. The majority is transgenic, because it is the best way to deal with the weevil. It was a product that was widely sown in Colombia and Central America, and in the Dominican Republic there was a minimal proportion, compared to what was sown abroad. In Colombia and El Salvador, production went to zero” (Koeni,2012). On the other hand, an indication reflects that thing was moving properly in terms of cotton production in the Dominican territory showed in July 1977 when the government leaded by President Joaquín Balaguer took steps in Haiti to sell him a remarkable amount of cotton. In 1977, according to official information, more than 160,000 quintals of cotton were manufactured. The issue of labor was one of the first problems that emerge in the production of the line, since of some 3,000 braceros that were required at its best, there were barely 700 (Caribe,2012). The National Cotton Institute (INDA), created in 1976, disappeared in 2003, after 56 years of intense agricultural exploitation. Its shutdown was forced by a drop in cotton prices in the region, as stated in a bill from the Senate of the Republic to pension 36 former INDA employees. (May,2012) Today, the Dominican Republic only has one fabric of prepared cotton and the fabric design different clothes to export to different countries. (Industry of Dominican Republic, 2017).


The Industrial Free Zones began their development in the Dominican Republic in 1969 with the installation of an Industrial Free Zone in the city of La Romana, which was promoted by the transnational company Gulf and Western Americas Corporation, which had been working mainly in the sugar sector. Moreover, the second Industrial Free Zone was born in 1972, in the province of San Pedro de Macorís, under the prognostication of the public sector through the Industrial Development Corporation (CFI), a decentralized State entity that oversaw its administration and operation. In 1973 the Santiago de los Caballeros created an Industrial Free Zone and was established by the National Decree, and it has conflict with the free zone of San Pedro de Macorís because, its administration and operation were temporary to a non-profit corporation, created for that purpose and under the direction of a group of businessmen from the region. During the decade 1973 to 1983 the established company increased from 15 to 101 and the three free zone began to grow gradually. In the need of building new free zone during the years 1986,1987, and 1988 the Dominican Republic become the most important free zones in the Caribbean and Central America aera. These days, the Dominican Republic has one of the most effective and lucrative free zone programs in all Central America and the Caribbean. This program has proven to be an effective and beneficial alternative for foreign companies, mainly due to the country’s proximity to the United States.

These production centers let foreign and local companies to create operations and benefit from tax incentives and import facilities. Today, a total of 68 free zone parks operates in the country, distributed throughout the national territory, which house around 645 companies and provide more than 160,000 jobs (August,2014). The business that has been mostly establish within the free zones is textile manufacturing, being the Dominican Republic among the first in export volumes of this line to the United States market.

Apparel production

Dominican Republic is best known for the tourism. Our country has beautiful beaches which make the country attritive to the tourist. Also, our country is hot and humid. But our country has an extensive textiles industry which have a positive impact in our economy. The apparel is produced from textiles of fabrics and for prepared cotton and synthetic fiber.

The national dress of Dominican Republic it is called “Cultivo de Vida” (cultivation of life) and was designed for Carlos de Moya in 2007. The dress represents the Taino cultural and the Dominican Republic tradition. Also, the dress represents the flag. The dress has the three colors of the flag which are white, blue, and red.  The dress is wearing a neck with five amber necklaces and larimar necklaces representing the division of the island into Cacicazgos, inspired by those who used Taino caciques as well as Spanish-influenced passmanships and laces. The cylinder shape of the sleeves represents the Güira and the accordion. The national dress is use in traditional events like festival, holiday celebrations, and in school.


Written by: Lisette Mercedes