
English 1121 E120 Course Syllabus

Spring 2020

Professor:  Patrick Redmond

Office: N-519

Office Hours: 12:30-2:30 Wed.


Meeting Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm N-403

Course Description:

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading and writing

Required Texts:

  1. Handouts throughout the semester will be posted on our OpenLab website. I expect you to download and print them before coming to class.
  2. The Literacy Experience Compact Second Edition.
  3. Good Writing Made Simple (e-book)

University Policies

Accessibility Statement

City Tech is committed to supporting the educational goals of enrolled students with disabilities in the areas of enrollment, academic advisement, tutoring, assistive technologies and testing accommodations. If you have or think you may have a disability, you may be eligible for reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments as provided under applicable federal, state and city laws. You may also request services for temporary conditions or medical issues under certain circumstances. If you have questions about your eligibility or would like to seek accommodation services or academic adjustments, please contact the Center for Student Accessibility at 300 Jay Street room L-237, 718 260 5143 or

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Statement

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.

Sanctions for Academic Integrity Violations

In accordance with the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity, NYCCT empowers its Academic Integrity Committee and Academic Integrity Officer to process violations of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy. As stated in the student handbook, all instructors must report all instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Integrity Officer.

Course Policies

Word Count: All students in first-year composition are required to turn in a minimum of 6,000 finished words in order to successfully pass the class. Students who don’t meet the word count requirement will receive a grade of F. This is the English Department policy.

Final Portfolio / Reflection: At the end of the semester students will turn in a final portfolio which is a collection of their revised essays over the course of the semester. In addition, students will submit a final essay that is both reflective and argumentative in nature. In this essay, students will be asked to explain how the work they have done over the course of the semester has met the learning outcomes for the course. In developing this essay, students will argue that the work they have done in the course has met the learning outcomes and will show how that work meets the outcomes by using examples from their own writings that appear in the final portfolio. The final reflective/argumentative essay should be a minimum of 1100 words. Students who do not meet the 1100-word count for this reflection piece will not pass the class and will receive a grade of F. This is the English Departmental policy.

Attendance: Students who fail to attend class regularly will fall behind on the daily writing assignments. The daily assignments build upon previous work and lead towards success in the major projects. In order to succeed in the class, students will need to attend regularly. Students who fall behind will likely have a difficult time catching up.

Missed Work and Late Papers: Please email me before class if you are going to be absent so I can provide you with the assignments you miss. If you have to be absent for a long period of time please let me know so we can work out a schedule for your missed work.

*If you turn in a paper late, it will be deducted 25 points for each class period it is late. I will not accept papers that are more than three class periods late unless there are extenuating circumstances.

OpenLab Statement:

You will need to register with the City Tech Open Lab and join our course immediately. It will be your responsibility to learn the navigation of the class website during the first week. After the first week, we will be using the Open Lab. If you need help with this, see me immediately, and make sure to come to the second and first class meetings.

Course Load Statement:

A full-time course load for a college student is 4 classes. At forty hours per week, that breaks down to 10 hours per class. You will be in class and online for 2.5 hours a week. Plan to spend 7.5 hours on homework for each week on average. Some weeks will be more. Some less.

Major Unit Assignments

Unit 1: Discourse Community Project (10%): In this project you will reflect on a discourse community you are apart of, and complete a scaffolded paper.

Unit 2: Inquiry Based Research Project (10%): Identify an issue or a problem within a discourse community that needs to be addressed and partake in a research paper exploring this issue

Unit 3: Multimodal Project (10%): Your assignment for Unit 3 is to repurpose your research paper into a multimedia format so you can effectively communicate your research to your discourse community and others. Your assignment may be any combination of text, visuals, audio, animation or art; however, you must always have your audience in mind. You must always be thinking of the best way to communicate your ideas in an easily digestible manner that will draw attention to your issue.

Unit 4: Final Portfolio (50%): This it is equivalent to a final exam. You will use feedback from me and revision strategies that we learn in class to write final drafts of your major unit projects. I expect you to revise your work significantly. You will also write an author’s statement reflecting on your writing practices, what you’ve created during of the semester, and how you can apply knowledge from this course in future contexts.

Daily Readings/Writings: You will be expected to come to class prepared with the daily readings done and ready to discuss. There will also be in-class reflection assignments which I will collect for participation points.

Peer Review: You will be assigned peer review exercises throughout the semester. If you have an excused absence on a peer review day you may make arrangements with one of your classmates outside of class to complete the assignment; however, I must approve this.

Participation: Since this class will be largely taught through discussion your participation is mandatory. If you are going to be absent for any reason you must email me beforehand to not receive an unexcused absence.

I also ask that we all be respectful of one another and the wonderfully diverse opinions, ethnic backgrounds, gender expressions and sexual orientations, social classes, religious beliefs, and ethnicities among us. Language that demeans any member of our community will not be tolerated.

Grade Calculation C:\Users\Robolo\Dropbox\Service\FYW\grade scale.PNG

Unit Projects 30%

Participation 10%

In class writing/Peer Review 10%

Final Portfolio 50 %

Semester Outline

  • All Readings and Assignments are DUE on the day they are listed.
  • Any changes made to the following schedule will be announced in class or on the class website. It is your responsibility to keep up with all announced changes.
W 01/29 Introductions, Syllabus, Open Lab

Reading/Writing Beginning Discussion

“How to Read Like a Writer,” Michael Bunn

Learn to Navigate Course Website.

WEEK 2 Begin Unit 1 Discourse Communities
W 02/05 Introduction to Discourse Communities.

Discuss Freewriting/ Apply Discourse Communities to Literature

Reading: “The Concept of a Discourse Community,” John Swales

Reading: “Free Writing Exercises,” Peter Elbow

Reading: “Sonny’s Blues,” James Baldwin

W 02/12 Lincoln’s B-day. College Closed.
W 02/19 Sonny’s Blues Contd.

Peer Review Day

Rough Draft Due

Brainstorming Assignment Due

“Sonny’s Blues” Contd.

Reading: Anne Lamott, “Shitty First Drafts”

WEEK 5 Unit 2 Inquiry-Based Research
W 02/26 Research Discussion: What is a research paper?

Introduce Unit 2 Project

Discuss Sources/Annotated Bibliography

Final Draft Discourse Community Paper


Reading: “Introduction to Doing Research: Observations, Surveys, and interviews Dara Lynn Driscoll.

Reading: “An Orientation to Research” pg 20, The Literary Experience

W 03/04 Discuss Annotated Bibliography/ and Primary Research assignment

Discuss Carver

Project Proposal due

Reading: “Cathedral,” Raymond Carver

W 03/11 Carver cntd.

Discuss Beattie

Interview Transcript Due

Annotated Bibliography Due

Reading: “Janus” Anne Beattie

W 03/18 Peer Review Day/ Library day We will be in the library from 6:00pm-7:15pm.

Rough Draft Due


WEEK 9 Unit 3: Multimodal Composition, Midterm Week
W 03/25 Introduction to Multimodal Composition.

Discuss Unit 3 Project

Continue Discussing Multimodal Composition/Genre

Unit 2 Final Paper Due

Reading: “More Than Just Remixing: Uptake and New Media Composition”, Brian Ray

Reading: page 43-56 The Literary Experience

W 04/01 Discussion of Audience

Discuss Sample Student Projects/ In-Class Brainstorm of Project Proposals

Reading: Purdue Owl “Identifying Audiences”

Read Sample Student Projects

Project Proposal Due

T 04/07 Classes Follow a Wednesday Schedule.

Discuss Achebe

Discuss Murray

Reading: “Dead Man’s Path,” Chinua Achebe

Reading: “Internal Revision,” Donald Murray

W 04/08 Spring Recess
W 04/15 Spring Recess
W 04/22 Peer Review 1/ Discussion of Presentations

In-Class Work Day For Presentations/Multi Modal Project

Rough Draft Due
W 04/29 In-class Presentations
W 05/06 Final Peer Review Final Rough Draft of Multimodal Project Due
WEEK 16 Unit 4: Revision of the portfolio
W 05/13 Peer Review Day/ Short Conferences Unit 3 Project Due

Bring Working Portfolio

F 05/15 Reading Day. No Classes.
05/16 – 05/22 Final Exam Week. Final Portfolios Due 5/20

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