Gaming Underground and Chemistry Club

This is a great club to Joining because you will find like minded individuals.  This is a club that offers food and gaming which is all about competition. If you’re a highly competitive students you can compete against other students with video games such as the popular Call of Duty or Street Fighter.

The club hours are 12:45 to 2 PM every Thursday on the 5thfloor.


Chemistry Club:

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As a chemistry major here in city tech, this is a club in which any student of any major can walk in to.From experince I know that this club has helped most chemical technology students decide their next step. Speakers from various distinguish institutions have came to the club to give a lecture about why chem tech students should focus on their institution. For example a speaker from Rice University came in during fall semester 2014 to lecture about why chem tech students are perfect candidates for rice university.

This club might not sound like a stress reliever because it probably brings with it the intimidation brought by math and science, but infact it can help releive stress by giving you the options on your future carrer path as opposed to finiding it out individually.

This club also free pizza every Thursday from 12:45 pm to 2:30 pm. And meets at room P 603
and has its own website at the openlab


Digital image. Http://, n.d. Web.

Digital image. Activision, n.d. Web.
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