About Me

About Me
My Name is Rochelle Dixon I am a junior here at New York City Tech. I am currently majoring in Human Service and will be soon graduating with my BS degree. I have been working for a non-profit organization for the last nine years. I started working for SUS back in 2005, when I begun to have the passion for advocating for undeserved Veterans who were homeless. I started with the thirst for understanding how these great people who fought for country in wars come home to nothing. So I began to ask questions and getting to know the person who I represented as there case Manager, and the thirst began to grow into the love and passion I currently have today. To serve the women and of the military is one of the greatest feeling, and that is one of the reason I now work in the field of Human Service.
My Hobbies are Roller skating, Baking, Cooking and Shopping.