Technical communication is a huge part of our culture today. We are constantly using digital technologies to communicate with our peer in ways such as email, text messages,  video, and many more. In addition to our daily communications we are surrounded constantly with technical communication in the form of posters, billboards, and other forms of advertisement. These types of technical communication are such a huge part of our lives today that they are a part of our culture. We are all expected to be connected to each other digitally at all times and our world is structured in such a way to promote constant communication. If a person were to suddenly go off the grid, cease phone contact, and internet use people assume something has gone wrong or something bad has happened to that person. We are so used to everyone being so connected at all times that when we aren’t able to get in to immediate communication with someone we assume harm has come to them. This is one of the ways in which communication has shaped our culture.